Tag: introduction to human digestive system

Questions Related to introduction to human digestive system

The incisor tooth is meant for

  1. Biting and cutting

  2. Chewing

  3. Munching and chewing

  4. Munching

Correct Option: A

The four front teeth in each arch are called incisors, and their function is to cut food with their sharp thin edges. On each side of the incisors, at the corners of the mouth, are the canines. These teeth have one cusp, or pointed edge, and are used for holding or grasping food, and are very strong, stable teeth. Behind the canines are the premolars, which are designed for holding food like the canines because they have cusps, but they also function to crush food. Sometimes these teeth are referred to as bicuspids, meaning two cusps, but this is not always accurate because some premolars may have three cusps. Therefore the term premolar is preferred. The teeth farthest back in the mouth are the molars. These teeth have broad chewing surfaces with four or five cusps, and are designed for grinding food. The incisors and canines are called anterior teeth, because they are located in the front of the mouth, while the premolars and molars are called posterior teeth because they are located in the back of the mouth. Thus, option A is correct.

Which teeth are different in shape, size and function then these are called as

  1. Acrodont

  2. Pleurodont

  3. Homodont

  4. Heterodont

Correct Option: D

In anatomy, a heterodont is an animal which possesses more than a single tooth morphology. For example, members of the Synapsida generally possess incisors, canine, premolars, and molars. The presence of heterodont dentition is evidence of some degree of feeding/hunting specialization in a species. In contrast, homodont dentition refers to a set of teeth that possess the same tooth morphology. Acrodont is a formation of the teeth whereby the teeth are consolidated with the summit of the alveolar ridge of the jaw without sockets. Pleurodont is a formation of the teeth that are fused by their sides to the inner surface of the jaw bones. Thus, option D is correct.

The tooth with three roots is

  1. Molar

  2. Pre-molar

  3. Incisor

  4. Canine

Correct Option: A

The permanent molars occupy the most posterior portion of the dental arch. They have the largest occlusal surfaces of any of the teeth and have from three to five major cusps. Lower permanent molars always have two lingual cusps and upper permanent molars always have two buccal cusps. Lower molars have two roots and upper molars have three roots. Molar teeth by definition are cheek teeth that are not preceded by primary teeth. Permanent molars are accessional teeth without primary predecessors. In contrast to the molars, permanent incisors, canines and premolars are succedaneous (successional teeth). Premolar, canine and incisors does not have three roots. Thus, option A is correct.

Wisdom tooth appears in a human being, when age is between

  1. 4 to 8 years

  2. 10 to 14 years

  3. 17 to 30 years

  4. 30 to 40 years

Correct Option: C

A wisdom tooth or third molar is one of the three molars per quadrant of the human dentition. It is the most posterior of the three. Wisdom teeth generally erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Most adults have four wisdom teeth (a third molar in each of the four quadrants), but it is possible to have fewer or more, in which case the extras are called supernumerary teeth. Wisdom teeth commonly affect other teeth as they develop, becoming impacted or "coming in sideways". They are often extracted when this occurs. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Entamoeba gingivalis lives in the

  1. Intestine

  2. Colon

  3. Pus pockets of pyorrhoea

  4. Intestine and colon

Correct Option: C

Entamoeba gingivalis is a protozoan endoparasite, residing in the tartar and pus pockets of teeth of pyorrhoea infected human beings. It is the first parasitic amoeba known to human beings. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

The lower jaw consists of single bone is known as

  1. Mandible

  2. Alveoli

  3. Pterygoid

  4. Maxilla

Correct Option: A

The skeletal system is divided into an axial and appendicular skeleton and it provides both support protection to the brain as well as give shape to the face. The skull is part of the axial skeleton. Skull or cranium has 22 bones out which mandible  (lower jaw) is a single bone. It is lowest and strongest bone which hold the lower teeth in the socket and gives shape to the face. 

Thus the correct answer is option A.

Hardest substance of the body is

  1. Bone

  2. Enamel

  3. Cartilage

  4. Tendon

Correct Option: B

Hardest substance of the body is enamel. It is the thin outer covering of the tooth. It is composed of hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline calcium phosphate. The color can vary from light yellow to a grayish white. It protects the tooth.

So, the correct answer is 'Enamel'.

The various kinds of teeth present in human beings are

  1. Premolars and canines

  2. Molars and incisors

  3. Muscular pharynx and molars

  4. Incisors, canines, premolars and molars

Correct Option: D

There are several types of teeth and each performs its own special function in the chewing process, depending on its size, shape, location within the jaws. Starting at the midline, the permanent dentition is comprised of incisors, canines, premolars and molars.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

The hardest substance in human body is

  1. Dentine

  2. Collagen

  3. Melanin

  4. Enamel

Correct Option: D

Teeth are the hardest substance in the human body. The enamel on your teeth is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance in your body. It covers the outer layer of each tooth and it is the most visible part of the tooth. The enamel is made up mostly of minerals, primarily hydroxyapatite. So, enamel is the hardest substance in our body compared to dentine, collagen and melanin. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.