Tag: first world war

Questions Related to first world war

Which of the following was the result of end of World War I?

  1. League of Nations

  2. World Bank

  3. United Nations

  4. NATO

Correct Option: A

One of the most significant consequences of the War was the creation of the League of Nations. The horrors of War convinced the leaders of the world that there must be a mechanism to prevent War and promote international cooperation. This culminated in the setting up of the League of Nations.

Kaiser William II stationed a fleet at:

  1. Heligoland

  2. Aaland

  3. Justland

  4. Ireland

Correct Option: A

Kaiser William II believed that his country alone was competent to rule the whole world. He couldn't tolerate the British Empire. Germany needed colonies not only as a sign of her world importance but also for her growing population. In order to protect Germany, Kaiser William II increased the strength of the army and stationed a fleet at Heligoland in the North Sea.

Which treaty contained the seed of the Second World War?

  1. Treaty of Versailles

  2. Treaty of Rome

  3. Treaty of London

  4. Treaty of Aix-la-Chappale

Correct Option: A

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on ________.

  1. 29 July 1919

  2. 28 June 1919

  3. 28 May 1919

  4. 29 May 1920

Correct Option: B

Who said, 'Germany alone was competent to rule the whole world'?

  1. Bismark

  2. Kaiser William II

  3. Hitler

  4. Mussolini

Correct Option: B

Which empire ended with the First World War?

  1. Austro-Hungarian Empire

  2. French Empire

  3. German Empire

  4. All of these

Correct Option: A,C

With the end of the First World War, three empires came to an end and the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary Empire, and German Empire. Austria-Hungary were dissolved and formed new nations and so was Ottoman and Germany became a republic.

The _______ empire was replaced by a democratic and secular state in Turkey.

  1. German

  2. Russian

  3. Austro-Hungarian

  4. Ottoman

Correct Option: D

Countries like Russia saw a ______ revolution.

  1. Communist

  2. Socialist

  3. Capitalist

  4. Marxist

Correct Option: B

The Balkan area was a part of the __________ Empire.

  1. German

  2. Turkish

  3. Austrian

  4. European

Correct Option: B

Balkan area was once a part of the Turkish Empire.

The name is still preserved in Central Asia with the Balkan Daglary (Balkan Mountains) and the Balkan Province of Turkmenistan.

In Turkish Balkan means a chain of wooded mountains.

Which of the following countries was not a member of the Triple Alliance?

  1. Germany

  2. France

  3. Austria

  4. Italy

Correct Option: B

The Triple Alliance linking Germany with Austria-Hungary and Italy. It was signed in
1882, in the days of Chancellor Bismarck. The German Reich and the Austro-Hungarian
Empire constituted the core of this alliance.