Tag: nationalism in europe

Questions Related to nationalism in europe

Which of the following countries were interested into the politics of Balkan Area?

  1. England

  2. France

  3. Russia

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

Due to the geographical importance of Balkan Area England, France and Russia interfered into the politics of this area. Russia began to exert pressure on the Balkan region as the citizens of this region were slav by race. England and France felt that the route to Asia via Mediterranean sea would thus be endangered for their interest. Therefore England and France interfered in this region as they did not want Russian power there.

Balkan Area comes under which empire?

  1. Turkey

  2. Russia

  3. Germany

  4. Austria

Correct Option: A

The east European region under the Ottoman empire of Turkey was known as the 'Balkan Area'.

When was the League of Nations founded?

  1. 10th January 1920

  2. 15th January 1920

  3. 20th January 1920

  4. 1st January 1920

Correct Option: A

On 10th Jan 1920 at Geneva in Switzerland the League of Nations was founded. At the beginning only 32 Nations were the part of the League of Nations but later on the number increased.

Where was the headquarters of the League of Nations located?

  1. New York

  2. Geneva

  3. London

  4. Paris

Correct Option: B

Born with the will of the victors of the First World War to avoid a repeat of a devastating war, the League of Nations objective was to maintain universal peace within the framework of the fundamental principles of the Pact accepted by its Members. The headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. 

On which side did Japan fight in the First World War?

  1. None, it was neutral.

  2. With Germany against United Kingdom.

  3. Against Russia on its own.

  4. With United Kingdom against Germany.

Correct Option: D

During the First World War Japan participated in the war from 1914- 1918 in an alliance with Great Britain. Japan played an important role in securing the sea lanes in the West Pacific and Indian Oceans. Japan was an ally of Great Britain since 1902 and Japan had no affection for Russia.

To which of the following countries the Treaty of Frankfurt (1871) forced to give up some territories to Prussia?

  1. Germany

  2. Austria

  3. France

  4. Russia

Correct Option: C

In 1871, Germany annexed the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine with the treaty of Frankfurt, which belonged to France.

Which of these does not describe one of the reasons why Mexico declined an alliance with Germany during World War I?

  1. British blockades would prevent armament shipments to Mexico.

  2. Americans in former Mexican territories would refuse to assimilate.

  3. Mexican ships felt too threatened by German U-boats.

  4. Attacking the United States would endanger South American alliances.

  5. The United States would be too powerful an enemy for Mexico.

Correct Option: C

A German statesman offered Mexico a secret alliance in which Mexico would attack the United States to divert its attention. Not only was Germany's secret solicitation discovered; Mexico rejected it for a number of reasons. Mexican President had asked his military officers to examine Germany's offer, and they reported that the terms offered and the overall benefits would not make the plan feasible.

The alliance system known as the Triple Entente was forged in 1907 among __________.

  1. Great Britain, France and Russia

  2. France, Russia and Japan

  3. Germany, Austria and Italy

  4. Great Britain, Russia and Germany

  5. Italy, Austria and Russia

Correct Option: A

The Triple Entente was the understanding linking the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente on 31 August 1907.

England joined the First World War because ____________.

  1. England wanted to establish a colonial empire

  2. Germany violated the neutrality of Belgium

  3. President Wilson of U.S.A. issued the famous 'Fourteen Points'

  4. The Archduke Francis Ferdinand was murdered at Sarajevo

Correct Option: B

On 2 August 1914, the day before Germany declared war on France, the German government wrote to the Belgian government demanding the right of free passage across Belgium for its troops, so that the latter could most efficiently invade France and reach Paris.

On 3rd August 1914, as the Belgian refused to give passage, Germany declared war on France; the former invaded Belgium the next day, which resulted in Britain's entry into the war to defend Belgian neutrality.

All of them were major battles of WWI EXCEPT:

  1. Battle of the Somme

  2. Battle of the Marne

  3. Battle of Antietam

  4. Battle of Gallipoli

Correct Option: C

Battle of Somme: The Battle of the Somme was a battle of the First World War fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire. This was considered largest battle of the First World War.

The Battle of the Marne was a First World War battle fought from 7–12 September 1914. It resulted in an Allied victory against the German Army

Battle of Gallipoli:  It was a campaign of World War I that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in modern Turkey in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916.

The Battle of Antietam was an important battle in the American Civil War. The battle was fought on September 17, 1862 near Sharps burg, Maryland. It was the first major battle in the Civil War that happened in the Northern States.