Tag: causes and results of the first world war

Questions Related to causes and results of the first world war

The First World War broke out between two European alliances in the year _____.

  1. 1911

  2. 1912

  3. 1913

  4. 1914

Correct Option: D

First World War also known as 'The War to end all the Wars' and 'The Great War', broke out between two alliances of Europe named Triple Entente, which consisted of British, France and Russia and Triple Alliance which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, it all started when Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia, accusing them of assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, one after other entered the war and it soon turned out to be a global affair.

The country that conquered 'German East Africa' during the First World War was ____________.

  1. Britain

  2. France

  3. Germany

  4. Italy

Correct Option: A

Germany was fighting it's war in Africa too, and one of it's colonies in Africa was German East Africa(GEA), other colonies were defeated during the war, they were German South West Africa, Kamerun(now Cameroon) and Togoland, GEA which was led by Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, fought throughout the war, for 4 years and later when they got to know of the armistice, they surrendered to British on 25 Novemeber ,1918.

The First World War was mainly fought in ______ but its impact was felt around the world.

  1. Asia

  2. Africa

  3. America

  4. Europe

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

In 1914, a war began in Europe which soon engulfed almost the entire world with the battles fought in Europe, Asia, Africa & the Pacific. It was fought on a worldwide scale & affected almost all the countries of the world. This war was fought by the people as a whole. Because of the unprecedented extent of its spread, impact & damage & its total nature, it is known as the First World War.

During First World War against which country Germany did not fight?

  1. Austria

  2. England

  3. France

  4. Belgium

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

During 1914, defense alliances existed between European countries. According to that Austria-Hungary was backed by Germany, they were called as Central Powers and they were fighting up against Britain, France, Russia and were called as Triple Entente. Belgium was neutral during the war, however, to reach Paris, Germany invaded Belgium. 

When was the First World War fought?

  1. 1911-1914

  2. 1914-1918

  3. 1916-1920

  4. 1941-1945

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

The First World War, was fought between 1914-1918, in Europe by two sections, known as triple entente and triple alliance, this war was sparked with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, of Austria-Hungary, and Serbia was blamed for the assassination and it was sent a declaration of war on 28 July,1914 and hence started war and it came to an end four years later, on 11 June 1918.

Which country was not among the Allied powers in World War I?

  1. Belgium

  2. Bulgaria

  3. Britain

  4. France

Correct Option: B

Central Powers:  Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

Allied powers:  Serbia, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the United States.

All of the following nations were allied with the Central Powers except __________.

  1. France

  2. Germany

  3. Turkey

  4. Bulgaria

  5. Austria-Hungary

Correct Option: A

Central Powers consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

Allied Powers consisted of Serbia, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the United States.

The United States came out of World War I in a strong international position primarily because _______.

  1. It had founded the League of Nations

  2. It had lost relatively few of its fighting forces and its economy was prosperous

  3. It had had a successful socialist revolution

  4. It was geographically isolated from Europe

  5. It had dictated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

Correct Option: B

European countries were the super powers , economically strong and colonially strong, with a huge army, but with the onset of world war , all the European nation's economy plummeted and new nations were formed and colonies were lost, and while all this was going on with Europe, America was on rise , it was economically strong and defeated the central powers, all the resources to entente were supplied by  USA, and that's how it grew economically strong and then , USA could be the only that Europe might listen to because . entente might be biased in forming league, and hence ,USA played an important role in forming League of Nations.

Why did the writer Gertrude Stein describe Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and other artistic and literary Americans as a "lost generation" during the 1920s?

  1. They preferred to live in Europe, not the United States.

  2. They had fought recently on the losing side in World War I.

  3. They were disillusioned by the experience of World War I.

  4. They had lost all feeling of American patriotism.

  5. They despised society and lived isolated lives.

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is the most direct cause of World War I?

  1. Invasion of Poland

  2. Formation of the Triple Alliance

  3. Annexation of Bosnia

  4. Onset of the Russian Revolution

  5. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Correct Option: E

The assassination of the Austrian Prince Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophia was the immediate cause of the First World War. On June 28, 1914 the Archduke Ferdinand & his wife Sophia were assassinated by a student of the ‘Black hand’, a revolutionary-organisation, at Sarajevo, the Capital of Serbia.