Tag: technical terms related to flowers

Questions Related to technical terms related to flowers

When pistillate and bisexual flowers develop on different plants. The condition is _________.

  1. Gynodioecious

  2. Gymnomonoecious

  3. Polygamodioecious

  4. Polygamonoecious

Correct Option: A

In plants like Beta vulgaris, the gynodioecious condition is seen in which some plants have bisexual or hermaphroditic or perfect flowers. These flowers have both the male sex organs (androecium) and female sex organs (gynoecium). Then there are some plants that have only the pistillate or female flowers. A population of plants belonging to a species in which there is a co-existence of bisexual and pistillate flowers is called gynodioecious.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Gynodioecious'.

Trioecious condition occurs in

  1. Mango

  2. Litchi

  3. Silene

  4. Coriander

Correct Option: A

A trioecious condition is defined as the presence of the male flowers (staminate flowers), the female flowers (pistillate flowers) and the hermaphroditic flowers in three different plants. For example, Mango.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Mango'