Tag: human lymphatic system

Questions Related to human lymphatic system

Pick the odd one from the following 

  1. Red blood cells

  2. which blood cells

  3. Lymph

  4. Blood platelets

Correct Option: A

Compared to blood our lymph has?

  1. Neutrophils more

  2. Soluble protein in large amount

  3. Clotting time more

  4. More WBC

Correct Option: A

Arzygrophillic fibers are present in

  1. In spleen

  2. In tendons

  3. In ligament

  4. In bloood vessel

Correct Option: A

Reticular fibers (type III collagen) are thin collagen fibers not typically detected with routine H & E staining. However, these fibers stain black with silver stain and are often called argyrophilic fibers. The spleen demonstrates the supportive network of reticular fibers present in many organs. In this slide, the delicate reticular fibers are black and the thick collagen fibers are red/brown.

So, the correct option is 'In spleen'.

The tissue which forms the basic structure of lymphoid organs, spleen etc., is

  1. Lymphoid tissue

  2. Cartilage tissue

  3. Elastic tissue

  4. Areolar tissue

Correct Option: A

The tissue, which forms the basic structure of lymphoid organs, spleen etc., is lymphoid tissue. Cells and organs that make up the lymphatic system, such as white blood cells (leukocytes), bone marrow, and the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. Lymphoid tissue has several different structural organizations related to its particular function in the immune response. The most highly organized lymphoid tissues are in the thymus and lymph nodes, which are well-defined encapsulated organs with easily identifiable architectures. In the spleen, the lymphoid tissue is a cylinder of loosely organized cells surrounding small arteries. 

Red pulp and white pulp are histological structure found in

  1. Tooth

  2. Spleen

  3. Bone

  4. Liver

Correct Option: B

Spleen is the largest lymph node of body. A special type of connective tissue is filled in spleen, which is called pulp. Splenic pulp has two parts - white pulp and red pulp. The white pulp is scattered in the form of patches of long and irregular sized lymphatic endothelium. The meshes of this network are studded with numerous splenic cells and lymphocytes. The red pulp forms major part of spleen. It is reddish in colour due to excessive RBCs. It is made up of venous sinuses. Red pulp of spleen contains erythrocytes and blood filled sinuses.

When there is a sudden loss of blood from the body, the organ which supplies blood is?

  1. Spleen

  2. Heart

  3. Liver

  4. Lung

Correct Option: A

The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body and is positioned in the superior abdomen. The spleen plays important roles in regard to red blood cells and the immune system. It removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve of blood, which can be valuable in case of hemorrhagic shock, blood loss and also recycles iron. It purifies the blood and helps the immune system to recognize and attack foreign antibodies and disease. The spleen is composed of the red and white pulp. The white pulp produces and grows immune cell as well as blood cells. On the other hand, the red pulp is responsible for purifying the blood and removing dead or old blood cells. 

Lymph drains excess fluid from extracellular space back into

  1. Blood

  2. Lymph node

  3. Lymphatic channel

  4. Lymph gland

Correct Option: A

Lymph is a colourless fluid and connective tissue. It carries an excess of the extracellular fluid back to the venous system or it absorbs the excess fluid from the tissue and to return it to the blood. Lymphatic capillaries join and form lymphatic vessels further it forms lymphatic ducts. It is of two types: thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct. A small bean- shaped lymphoid organ surrounded by fibrous connective tissue carries fluid, nutrients & waste material between the body are lymph nodes or lymph glands.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

Highest quantity of energy occurs in the

  1. Primary producers

  2. Herbivores

  3. Carnivores

  4. Decomposers

Correct Option: A

Highest quantity of energy occurs in primary producers. Producers trap sunlight in the form of solar energy and use it in the process of photosynthesis to prepare food and store the food in the form of starch.

One of the difference between blood and lymph is that

  1. Blood has RBCs and WBCs while lymph has lymphocytes.

  2. Blood has RBCs while lymph has no WBCs.

  3. Blood has WBCs while lymph has RBCs.

  4. Blood has dissolved organic salts while lymph has no such inorganic salt.

Correct Option: A

Blood is red in colour due to presence of RBCs. Blood plasma contains RBCs, WBCs and platelets. It can clot due to presence of more amount of fibrinogen. Lymphs are colourless due to absence of RBCs. The lymph plasma contains WBCs and lymphocytes. It contains diffusible proteins. It clots slowly due to presence of less fibrinogen.

Blood is stored in

  1. Lymph

  2. Kidney

  3. Spleen

  4. Heart

Correct Option: C

The spleen is a brownish fist-sized organ located in the upper left side of the abdomen, tucked into a space between the stomach, pancreas and left kidney. It’s one of those organs that people know about, but aren’t sure what it does. Essentially, the spleen is a storage container and filter for blood, though it is part of the lymphatic system. In fact, it’s the largest lymph node in the body. One of its tasks is to remove harmful bacteria and viruses in the blood stream. Its other major task is removing or storing certain blood cells. Blood is not stored in heart, kidney and lymph. Thus, option C is correct.