Tag: the big bang and the early development of the universe

Questions Related to the big bang and the early development of the universe

Which is NOT true of quasars ?

  1. The name "quasar" comes from "quasi-stellar radio source."

  2. Quasars are believed to be exploding stars.

  3. Quasars can be one hundred times as luminous as the Milky Way Galaxy.

  4. Quasars are found near the centre of large galaxies.

  5. the energy from quasars is thought to come from regions just outside super-massive black holes.

Correct Option: B

Quasars cannot be the exploding star in our galaxy as they are the centers of other galaxies , most distant object from earth . Quasars have nothing common with regular stars , only they are the galaxies of stars.

The Big Bang Theory explains:

  1. the beginning of life

  2. origin of the universe

  3. law of Gravity

  4. why the universe was created

Correct Option: B

We know that the universe consists of stars and their respective planetary systems. 

As per the Big Bang Theory, at the beginning of the universe, there was a huge mass of matter. This mass exploded and got broken up into millions of fragments. These fragments became stars. Some parts of these stars got detached from them and cooled down to form planets.
This is how the Universe was created. 

The beginning of life can be explained only after the beginning of the universe and the earth.

The law of gravity explains the mild force of attraction between any two objects. That is the reason why objects fall on earth. It has nothing to do with The Big Bang Theory.

Most of the helium in the Universe is believed to have been produced in-

  1. red giants

  2. the Big Bang

  3. supernovae

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

The cosmic microwave background radiation comes from:

  1. quasars

  2. the solar nebula

  3. the Big Bang

  4. radio galaxies

Correct Option: C

What does the Big Bang Theory say?

  1. The universe is collapsing and getting smaller.

  2. The universe was created in its current location

  3. All of the matter in the Universe exploded from a tiny, dense point

  4. Two galaxies collided causing a big bang

Correct Option: C

Which of the following are not called "terrestrial planets"?

  1. Venus

  2. Mercury

  3. Mars

  4. Jupiter

Correct Option: D

State whether true or false :
Comets are very small-sized celestial bodies that revolve around the sun in highly elliptical orbits.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The cosmic micorwave background radiation comes from :

  1. Radio galaxies

  2. The big bang

  3. The solar nebula

  4. Quasars

Correct Option: B

Which of the following planets is nearest to the sun?

  1. Mercury

  2. Mars

  3. Earth

  4. Venus

Correct Option: A

Which of the following planet is called "Red Planet"? 

  1. Mars

  2. Mercury

  3. Saturn

  4. Jupiter

Correct Option: A