Tag: programmes for poverty eradication

Questions Related to programmes for poverty eradication

Net value added is equal to _________________.

  1. Payments accruing to factors of production

  2. Compensation to employees

  3. Wages plus rent plus rent

  4. Value of output minus depreciation

Correct Option: A

Net value added is equal to Payments accruing to factors of production i.e. rent, wages, interest and profits.

Economics is the study of ___________.

  1. how society manages its unlimited resources

  2. how to reduce our wants until we are satisfied

  3. how society manages its scarce resources

  4. how to fully satisfy our unlimited wants

Correct Option: C

Economics is the study that establishes an effective relationship between unlimited wants and scarce resources so that all the unlimited wants are mostly satisfied by the use of scarce resources. 
At micro level it deals with individual variables like consumer or producer and how they influence the market. 

At macro level it deals with the overall economic policies, aggregate variables of the economy.

Amartya Sen won the Nobel Prize for economics in _________.

  1. 1988

  2. 1991

  3. 1998

  4. 2000

Correct Option: C

Amartya Sen is an Indian economist who was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize for Economics for his contributions to welfare economics and social choice theory and for his interest in the problems of society's poorest members. 

Demographic dividend refers to a phenomenon in which _____________.

  1. life expectancy improves and normally people begin to live longer life

  2. the share of elderly persons in total population rises

  3. the proportion of working age population rises and dominates the age-composition.

  4. the proportion of children in total population rises.

Correct Option: C

When the workforce population that ranges from 19-60 years rises in a country in comparison to other age composition it creates an advanced balance in the country's demographics as the production increases due to more contribution of the population. Such situations are known as demographic dividend.

Amartya Sen campaigned that the government must intervene more on behalf of the __________.

  1. urban poor

  2. rural poor

  3. poor

  4. illiterate

Correct Option: C

Amartya Sen was an Indian economist who contributed to welfare economics and social choice theory and also established interest in the problems of society's poorest members. He was of the opinion that the government policies should focus on and prioritise the interests of the poor.

India's per capita income is __________________.

  1. low as compared to developed countries but high as compared to developing countries.

  2. high as compared to both developed and developing countries.

  3. low as compared to both developed and developing countries.

  4. high as compared to developed countries but low as compared to developing countries.

Correct Option: C

________ Misrepresentation is known as fraud.

  1. Innocent misrepresentation

  2. Wilful misrepresentation with intent to deceive

  3. both

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

Gini Index is a measure of ________.

  1. distribution of wealth among individuals

  2. inequality of distribution of income/consumption of individual

  3. equality of distribution of income/consumption of individuals.

  4. level of well being of individuals

Correct Option: B

The concept of relative property is relevant for _______________.

  1. developed countries

  2. developing countries

  3. socialist countries

  4. mixed economies

Correct Option: A

Which of the following are the achievements of poverty alleviation programmes?

  1. Higher wages.

  2. Improvement in health and nutrition.

  3. Increased income levels.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D