Tag: pollution of natural resources

Questions Related to pollution of natural resources

What is Global Warming?

  1. Increase in temperature of earth's surface and atmosphere

  2. Increase in sun's temperature

  3. The sun gets closer to the earth

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A
Option $A$
Solution increase in temp of earth surface and atmosphere. It causes global warming due to the trapping of greenhouse gases.

Which of the following are air pollution control measures?

  1. Forestation

  2. Using clean air technology

  3. Using renewable source of energy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into ______ that harms human health and environment.

  1. land

  2. air

  3. water

  4. air and land

Correct Option: B

In Delhi, which of the following is used to control air pollution?

  1. CNG vehicles

  2. Green muffler

  3. Scrubber

  4. Treatment plant

Correct Option: A
  • Compressed natural gas (CNG) (methane stored at high pressure) is a fuel which can be used in place of gasoline, diesel fuel, and propane/LPG. CNG combustion produces fewer undesirable gases than gasoline.
  • Hence In Delhi, CNG vehicles are used to control air pollution.
  • So, the correct answer is 'CNG vehicles'.

Major aerosol pollutant in jet plane emission is

  1. Sulphur dioxide

  2. Carbon monoxide

  3. Methane

  4. Fluorocarbon

Correct Option: D

Aerosols are the minute particles that are released with the pressure and remain suspended in the air. These can be sold particles or liquid droplets. The natural aerosols appear in the form of the fog, dust, forest exudates, geyser steams etc. The anthropogenic aerosols are more harmful and persist for the longer duration, like smoke, particulate matter etc. The emission from the jets comprises mainly of the fluorocarbons that are emitted with an immense pressure to provide propulsion to the engine.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Fluorocarbon'.

Air pollution is not caused by

  1. Pollen grains

  2. Hydroelectric power

  3. Industries

  4. Automobiles

Correct Option: B

Hydroelectric power is the cleanest form of electricity generation without contributing to the air pollution as it does not require the burning of fuel for working and water is provided by a natural force and moreover, it is renewable by rainfall causing refilling of reservoir. The dams are built which provide storage and it helps in reducing greenhouse gases emissions apart from the fact that once it becomes operative these have a low maintenance cost.

A. Pollen grains cause respiratory allergies.
B. Hydroelectric power does not release any pollutant.
C. Industries release oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen and particulate matters.
D. Automobiles also release oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Hydroelectric power'.

Which is not an air pollutant?

  1. Phosphate

  2. Hydrocarbons

  3. Pollen grains

  4. Carbon monoxide

  5. Sulphur dioxide

Correct Option: A
A. Phosphate is a charged ion that contains mineralized phosphorus.
B. Hydrocarbons are the compounds containing hydrogen and carbon. They are released from vehicles due to burning of fuels.
C. Pollen grains can cause allergic reactions to some people and hence, considered as air pollutants.
D. Carbon monoxide is released from the combustion of fuels and pollute air.
E. Sulphur dioxide is emitted from the vehicles. It is responsible for acid rain.
Hence, phosphate is not an air pollutant.
So, the correct answer is 'Phosphate'.

Multiple Choice Questions
In coal fired power plant, electrostatic precifications are used to control emission of

  1. $SO _2$

  2. $SPM$

  3. $CO$

  4. $NO _X$

Correct Option: B

Electrostatic precipitators use the principle of electrically charging particles in an exhaust and then allowing them to settle on variably charged platforms. It is done primarily for control of SPM or suspended particulate matter such as dust, fumes, smoke etc.

So, the correct answer is option B, SPM.

Multiple Choice Questions
A pollutant producing burning sensation of throat and eyes along with feeling of vomiting is

  1. Hydrogen sulphide

  2. Sulphur dioxide

  3. Hydrogen cyanide

  4. Arsenic.

Correct Option: A

H$ _2$S is a primary air pollutant emitted from putrifying substances, refineries, bituminous fuels etc. It causes burning sensation of throat and eyes along with feeling of vomiting or nausea. In plants it may cause defoliation and mottled chlorosis.

So, the correct answer is option A, Hydrogen sulphide.

Multiple Choice Questions
Which particulate size is most harmful?

  1. $1.0\,\, \mu$m or less

  2. $1.5 \,\,\mu$m or less

  3. $2.5\,\,\mu$m or less

  4. $5.2 \,\,\mu$m- $2.5 \,\,\mu$m.

Correct Option: C

PM or particulate matter of diameter $2.5\,\,\mu$m or less is the most harmful as they are inhaled deep into the lungs causing serious lung damages, deposition in respiratory tracts and even death of the person.

So, the correct answer is $2.5\,\,\mu$m or less.