Tag: asp

Questions Related to asp

ASP code is....

  1. a client-side executable code.

  2. a server-side executable code.

  3. a world-wide-web executable code.

  4. all of the above.

Correct Option: B

Which programming language is most commonly used to script ASP code?

  1. ASP

  2. JavaScript

  3. VBScript

  4. C++

  5. Perl

Correct Option: C
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to have knowledge of ASP (Active Server Pages) and HTML.

ASP pages are a type of web page that allows for server-side scripting. They can contain embedded code written in a scripting language such as VBScript or JScript. This code is processed by the server before the resulting HTML is sent to the client's web browser.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It is used to structure and present content on the web.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. True: This option is correct. ASP pages can indeed contain embedded HTML code. HTML is used to define the structure and content of the page, while ASP code can be embedded within the HTML to perform server-side processing and generate dynamic content.

B. False: This option is incorrect. ASP pages can contain embedded HTML code, so the statement is true.

Therefore, the answer is: A. True

What happens when a user types in a URL that requests an ASP page?

  1. Browser requests ASP code, server returns code, browser executes code into HTML form

  2. Browser requests ASP code, server executes ASP code and returns HTML document to browser

  3. Browser requests code, server returns code, Windows executes code since ASP is Microsoft code.

Correct Option: B

If the default pages in HTML are index.htm, default.html, etc, what are the default pages in ASP?

  1. index.asp

  2. default.asp

  3. home.asp

  4. Both A and B

  5. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

When writing ASP code, what are the correct delimiters to use?

  1. < code >

Correct Option: D

It is imperative when writing ASP code is to begin every file with which statement?


Correct Option: C

In order for you to execute ASP code on your computer, you need to be running web server software such as Personal Web Server.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Thinking Question: ASP code can be written to show the current time. Is it possible to show a live, ticking clock using ASP?

  1. Yes, ASP will pull the time from the web server and feed it to the client browser.

  2. No, once the ASP script has finished executing, it cannot do any more after the page reaches the client browser.

Correct Option: B