Tag: introduction to cell biology

Questions Related to introduction to cell biology

Who proposed the theory that "cells arise only from the pre-existing cells"?

  1. Hugo Von Mohl

  2. Rudolf Virchow

  3. Ernst Haeckel

  4. Robert Brown

Correct Option: B

Cell theory was proposed by a German botanist, Matthias Schleiden and English zoologist, Theodor Schwann in the year 1839. The cell theory states 
1) Cells are the building blocks of living organisms.
2) All living organisms are composed of cells and a cell is the basic structural and functional unit
Later on, Rudolf Virchow added a new point in cell theory that 'all cells arise from pre-existing cells'.
So, the correct answer is option B.

Schleiden (1838) proposed that cell is the structural and functional unit of life. His idea was a

  1. Assumption

  2. Generalization

  3. Hypothesis

  4. Observation

Correct Option: C

The term hypothesis means a proposition or a set of propositions set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specific phenomenon. In this case, the phenomenon was smallest constituent entity of living organisms. In 1838, German Botanist Matthias Schleiden found that all plant tissues are made up of cells which have essentially similar structure. German zoologist Theodor Schwann, 1839, working independently observed that animal cells do not have cell wall but are otherwise similar among themselves. Thus, the original idea of both the workers was a hypothesis based on their observation which had to be experimentally verified by other workers.

Which famous biologist was trained as a lawyer, at which work he was so unhappy that he even attempted suicide?

  1. Karl Nageli

  2. Matthias Jakob Schleiden

  3. Theodor Schwann

  4. Karl Gegenbaur

Correct Option: B

Schleiden was the son of a well-to-do municipal physician of Hamburg. He first studied law at the University of Hamburg from 1824 to 1827 and obtained a doctorate. He subsequently practiced law in Hamburg, but was unhappy with his career choice and choose to develop his hobby of botany into a full-time pursuit.

So, the correct option is B. ( Matthias Jakob Schleiden )

A Group of similar cells performing similar functions is called a/an

  1. Organ

  2. Tissue

  3. Organ system

  4. Organism

Correct Option: B

A tissue is a group of similar cells performing similar functions. Each tissue has a specific function.

Who proposed the hypothesis that the body of plants and animals are composed of cells and product of cells?

  1. A German botanist

  2. A German zoologist

  3. A British zoologist

  4. A British botanist

Correct Option: A

In 1838, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, who is a German botanist, was born in Hamburg located in Germany. He was a co-founder of the cell theory. He hypothesized that the body of plants and animals are composed of cells and product of cells.

Thus the correct option is A.

The dictum "Omnis cellula a cellula" was proposed by

  1. Theodor Schwann

  2. Rudolf Virchow

  3. Matthias Schleiden

  4. Robert Brown

Correct Option: B
  • The cell theory was postulated by Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden in 1838. They are as follows-
  • All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
  • The cell is the most basic unit of life. 
  • The third was added by Rudolf Virchow in 1855, which stated: "Omnis cellula e cellula" which means all cells arise only from pre-existing cells. 

So, the correct answer is option B.

The cell theory states that________________

  1. All cells have nuclei.

  2. All cells are living.

  3. Cells divide by both mitosis and meiosis.

  4. Cell is the functional and structural unit of plants and animals.

Correct Option: D

The cell theory that all the plants and animals are composed of cells and the cell is the basic unit of life, was presented by two biologists, Schleiden (1838) and Schwann (1839). In 1855, a German physiologist, Rudolf Virchow added a third principle to the cell theory. He gave the phrase, 'Omnis cellula-e-cellula', i.e., all cells arise from pre-existing cells. Later, discoveries led to the modification of cell theory. Modified cell theory is termed as cell principle or modern cell theory which postulates that all living organisms are composed of cells or cell products and arise from pre-existing cells. All cells are basically alike in chemical composition and metabolic processes.
So, the correct answer is option D.

Cell theory was established in

  1. 1838

  2. 1839

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

  • Cell theory was proposed by a German botanist, Matthias Schleiden 1838 and English zoologist, Theodor Schwann in the year 1839. Cell theory was considered as the most acceptable theory which, elucidated the functioning of a cell.
  •  The cell theory includes the following points -
1) All living things are made up of cells.
2) The cell is the smallest living thing that can perform all the functions of life.   
Later on, in the year 1855, Rudolf Virchow added a new point in cell theory that all cells must come from pre-existing cells, which was also known as "Omnis cellula e cellula".

So, the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following is not correct?

  1. Robert Brown discovered the cell

  2. Schlelden and Schwann formulated the cell theory

  3. Virchow explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells

  4. A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell

Correct Option: A

Robert Brown discovered the cell is false because cells were first discovered by Robert Hooke.

Mathias  Schleiden, Theodar Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow formulated the cell theory, according to which all living organisms are composed of cells. 
Much of the work of  Rudolf Virchow was in proving that cells arise from preexisting cells. 

Organisms consisting of a single cell carry out all functions of life by means of that single cell. 
So, the correct answer is 'Robert Brown discovered the cell'.

One of the following contributed cell lineage to 'cell doctrine' or 'modern cell theory'.

  1. R. Hooke

  2. Schleiden and Schwann

  3. R. Virchow

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

In 1855 Rudolf Virchow, after an exciting study of the growth of cells in human tissues, stated clearly that all arise only by the division of pre-existing cells. Virchow's famous statement of this concept, 'Omnis cellula e cellula', completed the cell theory.