Tag: environmental factors and their measurements

Questions Related to environmental factors and their measurements

The prefix mega-indicates

  1. Million times

  2. Hundred times

  3. Thousand times

  4. 1 lakh times.

Correct Option: A

Sulphur shower condition is related to

  1. Moss

  2. Selaginella

  3. Fern

  4. Pinus

Correct Option: D

Sulphur shower : In the month of May, on hills the  yellow Pollen grains of Pinus Plants are Produced in lot of number and are scattered in air.

Acclimatization is

  1. Pure-line breeding

  2. Pure-line selection

  3. Introduction

  4. Adaptation to new environment

Correct Option: D

Acclimatization is the development of a favourable morphological and physiological response to a change In environment.

An endotherm

  1. Grasshopper

  2. Hydra

  3. Earthworm

  4. Blue jay

  5. Frog

Correct Option: D

The organisms that use external heat to maintain their body temperature are termed as ectotherms while those maintaining their body temperature using the metabolic heat are termed as endotherms (mammals and aves). Among the given options, Blue jay (aves) is endotherms. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

State whether the following statements are true or false .
All living things contain a vital force that gives them the characteristics of life.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

At the molecular level even living things are fundamentally made up of all the elements that make non-living matter. There have been attempts to make these molecules and their integration to create life by scientists but none of them has been successful yet. Hence, it is often believed that there is a vital force that can not be created by us that gives organisms characteristics of life. 

So, the correct option is 'True'.

Two opposite forces operate in growth and development of every population. One of them has ability to reproduce at a given rate.

  1. Morbidity

  2. Fecundity

  3. Biotic potential

  4. Environmental resistance

Correct Option: D

A red shirt

  1. Selectively absorbs red wavelenghts of visible light and scatters the rest

  2. Selectively scatters red wavelenghts of visible light and absorbs the rest

  3. Above all

  4. None of above

Correct Option: B

Environmental education should be in approach.

  1. interdependent

  2. interpreting

  3. interdisciplinary

  4. balanced

Correct Option: C

UNCED stands for.

  1. United Nations Council for European Development

  2. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

  3. United National Commission for Economic Development

  4. United Nations Councils for Economic Development

  5. United Nations Commission for Environment Development

Correct Option: B

Which of the following options is correct?
     Homoiothermic                           Poililothermic
      organism                                       organism    

  1. MAN Cow

  2. Cockroach Man

  3. Lizard Frog

  4. Cow Frog

Correct Option: D

Animals with constant body temperature are called homoootherms. They have insulating coat to check the loss of body heat. This coat consists of hair in most mammals, blubber (subcutaneous fat) in whales and perspiration cools down the body of these animals when required.These are also termed endothermic as they regulate their body temperature by physio;logical means and maintain more or less constant internal temperature. Poililotherms are cold-blooded animals which are unable to regulate their body temperature which changes with change in temperature of environment e.g. fish, frog, lizard. They are also called as ectothems.