Tag: plants and animal hormones

Questions Related to plants and animal hormones

Hormone responsible for regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis is secreted by

  1. Pituitary

  2. Parathyroids

  3. Thymus

  4. Pancreas

Correct Option: B

The parathyroid glands are small endocrine glands in the neck that produce parathyroid hormone. Humans have four parathyroid glands, which are usually located behind the thyroid gland and in rare cases, within the thyroid gland or in the chest. Parathyroid glands control the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones.

Which of the following statements is correct for 'parathormone'?

  1. It increases blood calcium level and decreases calcium store of the bone

  2. It decreases blood calcium level and increased calcium store of the bone

  3. It increases blood glucose level and decreases calcium store of the bone

  4. It decreases blood glucose level and increases calcium store of the bone

Correct Option: A

In which of the following options, hormone is not matching with its source and function?

  1. Hormone- Glucocorticoids, Source-Adrenal cortex, Function-Produces anti-inflammatory reactions

  2. Hormone-Vasopressin, Source-Posterior pituitary, Function-Stimulates resorption of water and electrolytes

  3. Hormone-Parathyroid hormone, Source-thyroid, Function-Decreases the blood $Ca^{2+}$ level

  4. Hormone-Melatonin, Source-Pineal gland, Function-Maintains sleep-wake cycle

Correct Option: C

Hormone released by the parathyroid gland is parathyroid hormone also called parathormone or parathyrin, this hormone regulates the Ca$^{+2}$ concentration in the serum by acting upon bone, kidney and intestine.

So, the correct answer is 'Hormone-Parathyroid hormone, Source-thyroid, Function-Decreases the blood Ca$^{+2}$ level'

The blood calcium level is lowered by the deficiency of.

  1. Thyroxine

  2. Calcitonin

  3. Parathormone

  4. Both (a) and (b)

Correct Option: C

Parathormone secreted by parathyroid gland regulates the level of calcium in the blood. It stimulates the release of calcium from the bones into the blood, increases calcium absorption from the intestine into the blood and it also increases calcium reabsorption from the nephrons into the blood. Therefore, its deficiency leads to low blood calcium level.

Parathormone influences calcium absorption in the small intestine by regulating the metabolism of 

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin ${ B } _{ 6 }$

  4. Enterogasterone

Correct Option: B

The kidney processes Vitamin D into calcitriol, the active form that is most effective in assisting intestinal absorption. This process is stimulated by parathyroid hormone. Vitamin D is an important co-factor in the intestinal absorption of calcium, as it increases the number of calcium binding proteins, involved in calcium absorption through the apical membrane of enterocytes in the small intestine.

The pituitary gland by virtue of its tropic hormones controls the secretory activity of other endocrine glands. Which one of the following endocrine glands can function independent of the pituitary gland?

  1. Adrenals

  2. Gonads

  3. Thyroid

  4. Parathyroid

Correct Option: D

Parathyroid glands are small endocrine glands in the neck of humans and other tetrapods that produce parathyroid hormone. Humans usually have four parathyroid glands, variably located on the back of the thyroid gland. Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin (one of the hormones made by the thyroid gland) have key roles in regulating the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones. The major function of the parathyroid glands is to maintain the body's calcium and phosphate levels within a very narrow range, so that the nervous and muscular systems can function properly. The parathyroid glands do this by secreting parathyroid hormone.

So the correct option is 'parathyroid'.

Name the two hormones that regulates blood calcium levels in the body

  1. Insulin and glucagon

  2. Thyroxine and estrogen

  3. Thyrocalcitonin and parathyroid hormone

  4. Prolactin and oxytocin

Correct Option: C

Thyrocalcitonin (TCT) is secreted when calcium level in blood is high. It then lowers the levels by suppressing  release of calcium ions from bones. Whereas parathyroid hormone increases the blood calcium level by increasing calcium absorption from intestine and mobilising calcium from bones to blood.

Which of the following activities is disturbed, if parathyroid gland degenerates?

  1. Growth

  2. Sodium concentration

  3. Potassium concentration

  4. Calcium concentration

Correct Option: D

Parathyroid gland secretes hormone called parathormone (PTH). This hormone regulates calcium and phosphate balance between blood and other tissue. so, if parathyroid gland degenerates calcium concentration will be adversely affected.

so, the correct answer is option D.

Delaying aging of leaves and opening of stomata are due to the action of _______

  1. Auxins 

  2. Gibberellins

  3. Cytokinins

  4. Abscisic acid

Correct Option: C
A. Auxins are the plant hormones which promote cell enlargement and cell differentiation. It also promote fruit growth. It is responsible for phototropic and geotropic responses of plants.
B. Gibberellins are plant hormones which promote cell enlargement and cell differentiation in the presence of auxins. It help in breaking the dormancy in seeds and buds. It also promote fruit growth. It stimulates elongation of shoots of various plants.
C. Cytokinins are plant hormones which promote cell division in plants. It also helps in breaking the dormancy in seeds and buds. The delay the ageing of leaves. It promotes opening of stomata.
D. Abscisic acid (ABA) is a  plant hormone which functions mainly as a growth inhibitor. It promotes the dormancy in seeds and buds [ this is the opposite of breaking the dormancy. It also promotes closing of stomata. It promotes falling of leaves. 
So, the correct answer is 'Cytokinins'.

Cytokinins are known to

  1. Inhibit cytoplasmic movement.

  2. Help in retention of chlorophyll.

  3. Influence water movement.

  4. Promote abscission layer formation.

Correct Option: B

Cytokinins perform several other functions:
- Stimulates cell division.
- Stimulates morphogenesis in tissue culture.
- Stimulates the growth of lateral buds.
- Stimulates leaf expansion.
- Enhance stomatal opening