Tag: animal behaviour

Questions Related to animal behaviour

The bats can fly in the dark because

  1. They have a better vision in the dark

  2. The light startles them

  3. They produce ultrasonics

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Bears are usually hunted and killed for their

  1. Teeth

  2. Skin

  3. Gall bladder

  4. Nails

Correct Option: B

Identify the wrong statement from the following:

  1. More than one adaptive radiation taking place in an isolated area having different habitats is called convergent evolution.

  2. First reptiles from Sauropsida were turtles.

  3. Bones of forelimbs of vertebrates are examples of homologous organs.

  4. Lycopods, ferns and conifers originated from ancestor named Psilophyton.

Correct Option: D

Continued secretion of milk is regulated by

  1. Prolactin

  2. Oestrogen

  3. Progesterone

  4. Aldosterone

Correct Option: A

Prolactin (PRL) is a hormone that stimulates milk production. Prolactin also plays an essential role in metabolism, regulation of the immune system, and pancreatic development.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

To yield more milk, cow is injected with

  1. Sorbitol

  2. Prolactin

  3. Gonadotrophs

  4. Stilbestrol

Correct Option: B

Prolactin (also called as luteotrophic) hormone is associated with lactation (secretion of milk from the mammary gland). It is a hormone released by the pituitary gland that stimulates breast development and milk production in women. Therefore, to yield more milk cow is injected with prolactin hormone. 

Sorbitol is a sweetener found in some fruits (like apple, pear etc.). 
Gonadotroph is a type of basophil in the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland) whose granules secrete FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). 
Stilbesterol is synthetic estrogen used in hormone therapy, as a post-coital contraceptive, and as a growth-promoting agent for livestock. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Breast milk at room temperature can be stored for

  1. 4 hrs

  2. 8 hrs

  3. 12 hrs

  4. 24 hrs

Correct Option: B

Colostrum is a milky fluid that comes from the breasts of humans, cows, and other mammals the first few days after giving birth, before true milk appears. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and proteins (antibodies) that fight disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Antibody levels in colostrums can be 100 times higher than levels in regular cow’s milk.

 Secretin is a peptide hormone that regulates water homeostasis throughout the body, and influences the environment of the duodenum. 
Rennin is also called as chymosin, protein-digesting enzyme that curdles milk by transforming caseinogen into insoluble casein. 
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

A lizard-like member of Reptilia is sitting on a tree with its tail coiled around a twig. This animal could be 

  1. Hemidactylus showing sexual dimorphism

  2. Varanus showing mimicry

  3. Garden lizard (Calotes) showing camouflage

  4. Chameleon showing protective colouration

Correct Option: D

Chameleons camouflage themselves in a variety of different ways but most famously by changing the colour and pattern of their skin. Most chameleons can change colour and they do this by expanding or contracting cells in their skin that contain different pigments. They can blend into their surroundings by altering the colour of their skin to match the background. Chamaeleon (girgit) shows protective colouration with its surrounding e.g., twig. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Which of the following explains correctly that salmon return to their specific home stream to spawn?

  1. Pheromones

  2. A Reflex

  3. Imprinting

  4. Classical conditioning

  5. Circadian rhythms

Correct Option: C

Imprinting is defined as a learning process in which an offspring establishes species specific behaviour patterns along with recognition and attraction towards individuals of own species and even certain specific individuals (like parents). This process is classified as phase sensitive learning independent of external behaviour or other characteristics. In case of salmons, it has been theorized by Wisby and Hasler that they imprint on the unique odour of the natal water and as adults follow the same odour cues to their birth homes for spawning. Hence the correct answer is 'Imprinting'.   

Which is not true of breast milk?

  1. Poor maternal diet is not the main cause of inadequacy of breast milk.

  2. Breast milk takes more time to come in if prelactal feeds are given to the baby.

  3. Expressed breast milk cannot be stored at room temperature for more than 2 hrs.

  4. For a low body weight baby, ideal milk is the mother's milk. 

Correct Option: C

Colostrum (also called as first milk) is the thin yellowish fluid secreted by the mammary glands at the time of parturition and which precedes the production of true milk. It provides a nursing infant with essential nutrients and infection-fighting antibodies (called as immunoglobulin) to protect the newborn against disease. IgA is the major immunoglobulin in colostrum. It protects from inhaled and ingested pathogens.

Which of the following does not show mating behaviour?

  1. Aggressive behavior

  2. Releaser pheromones

  3. Search image

  4. Territoriality

  5. Visual communication

Correct Option: C
  1. During mating, a male generally shows agressive behaviour as a form of superiority over other fellow males.
    2. Pheromones are used as a form of communication between two mating species.
    3. A male generally marks it's territory inorder to avoid anymore competition for mating.
    4. Visual communication is primarly used to locate and identify the mating partner.
    So, the correct option is 'Search image'.