Tag: agriculture sector

Questions Related to agriculture sector

The direct contribution of agricultural taxes to the revenues of centre and state is _______.

  1. significant

  2. not significant

  3. medium

  4. none of above

Correct Option: B

Agro imports constitute a ______ proportion of total imports.

  1. small

  2. medium

  3. large

  4. constant

Correct Option: A

The situation of excess demand can be tackled by ______.

  1. Rationing

  2. Queue system

  3. Tie in sale

  4. All the three

Correct Option: D

In the last 56 years agricultural production has increased by more than ________.

  1. twice

  2. thrice

  3. four times

  4. five times

Correct Option: B

Benefits of new technology in agriculture have _______.

  1. spread to every nook & corner of country.

  2. have remained confined to only 44% of cropped area.

  3. spread to 25% of cropped area.

  4. spread to 66% of cropped area

Correct Option: B

Increase in capital goods industries in an economy results in ___________ cost output.

  1. high

  2. low

  3. moderate

  4. constant

Correct Option: B

In India Grading and Standardization are at a l ______.evel.

  1. medium

  2. high

  3. low

  4. uniform

Correct Option: C

The following are some of the malpractices existing in Indian agricultural sector ________.

  1. underweighing

  2. lay of unauthorized fees & taxes

  3. forgery

  4. both (a) & (b) above

Correct Option: D

Which of the following are the reasons which force the farmers to sell their produce at low prices?

  1. Heavy indebtedness

  2. Lack of proper transport facilities

  3. Absence of rural credit

  4. Both (a) & (b) above.

Correct Option: D

Modernization in agriculture implies _____________________.

  1. increased use of fertilizers and HYV seeds

  2. extension of irrigation facilities

  3. greater mechanization

  4. land reforms of these statements

Correct Option: C