Tag: digestive glands

Questions Related to digestive glands

Succus entericus is the name given to

  1. A junction between ileum and large intestine

  2. Intestinal juice

  3. Swelling in the gut

  4. Appendix

Correct Option: B
Secretions of the brush border cells of mucosa along with the secretion of goblet cells constitute the intestinal juice which is also known as Succus entericus.

Which of the following juice passes through the ampulla of vater?
A. Succus entericus
B. Pancreatic juice
C. Bile
D. Secretion of Brunner's gland

  1. B and C

  2. A, B and C

  3. B, C and D

  4. A, B, C and D

Correct Option: A
Ampulla of Vater is also called as hepato pancreatic duct. It is formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct. Hence pancreatic juice and bile passes through it.
So, the correct answer is 'B and C'.

If mucus is not released as a part of secretion of Brunner gland, the pH of the

  1. Small intestine will decrease

  2. Stomach will remain same

  3. Larger intestine will decrease

  4. Small intestine will remain same

Correct Option: A

Mucus released as a part of secretion of Brunner gland and bicarbonates from pancreas protects the intestinal mucosa from acid as well as provide an alkaline medium. if mucus is not released then the pH of the small intestine will decrease means acid nature in the small intestine will increases.

So the correct answer is 'Small intestine will decrease'.

Succus entericus is secreted by

  1. A) secretions of crypts of Lieberkuhm

  2. B) Brunner's gland

  3. C) both of these

  4. D) none of these

Correct Option: A

Succus entericus which is also known as the intestinal juice is secreted by Crypts of Lieberkuhn which moderates the pH of acidic chyme come from the stomach and also contains various digestive enzymes that take part in the final digestion of carbohydrate, fat and protein,

So the correct option is ' secretions of crypts of Lieberkuhm'

Brunner's glands are present in 

  1. Stomach

  2. Oesophagus

  3. ileum

  4. duodenum

Correct Option: A

Brunner's gland is located in

  1. Duodenum

  2. Jejunum

  3. Ileum

  4. Stomach

Correct Option: A

Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete antibacterial lysozyme?

  1. paneth cells

  2. Zymogen cells

  3. Kupffer cells

  4. Argentaffin cells

Correct Option: A

Crypts of Lieberkuhn is an example for

  1. Simple tubular gland

  2. Compound alveolar gland

  3. Compound tubular gland

  4. Simple alveolar gland

Correct Option: A

The simple tubular gland are single, straight, tubular. Secretory cells line the entire duct, which open on the apical surface. 

Crypts of Lieberkuhn (intestinal glands) simple tubular glands that lie between the finger-like projections of the inner surface of the small intestine.

Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete antibaterial lysozyme?

  1. Paneth cells

  2. Zymogen cells

  3. Kupffer cells

  4. Argentaffin cells

Correct Option: A

Paneth cells are present in the mucosa between the bases of villi of small intestine (Crypts of Lieberkuhn). The function of these cells is to secrete antibacterial lysozyme.

Succus entericus is secreted by

  1. Peyer's patch

  2. Crypts of Lieberkuhn

  3. Auerbach's plexus

  4. Brunner's glands

Correct Option: B

Succus entericus is the intestinal juice. It is secreted by crypts of Lierberkuhn. Succus entericus brings about complete digestion of all the bio molecules in the small intestine.