Tag: neurons and synapses

Questions Related to neurons and synapses

Neurotransmitters are released at the synapse by ___________

  1. Tips of Dendrites

  2. Synaptic Knobs

  3. Organelles of Cyton

  4. Myelin sheath of Axon

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following nerve stimulates gastric glands of secrete gastric juice and promote contractions of smooth muscles of stomach wall?

  1. Sacral spinal nerve

  2. Vagus nerve

  3. Glassopharyngeal

  4. Lumbar spinal nerve

Correct Option: A

In reductive amination, the product is?

  1. $\alpha$-ketoglutaric acid

  2. Glutamine

  3. Glumate

  4. Alanine

Correct Option: C

Nerve impulse travel through synapse with the help of?

  1. Acetylcholine and sympathetin

  2. Choline and acetylcholine

  3. Adrenaline and noradrenaline

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Nerve impulse takes place with?

  1. Ventricular systole

  2. Ventricular diastole

  3. Auricular systole

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Synaptic fatigue is due to

  1. Repeated release of acetylcholine

  2. Repeated release of adrenaline

  3. Exhaustion of neurotransmitter

  4. Exhaustion of acetyl cholinesterase

Correct Option: C

Membrane potential of a cell forms

  1. Movement of anions into the cell

  2. Movement of cations into the cell

  3. Action of proton pump

  4. Action of an electrogenic pump.

Correct Option: B

The following are the parts of a neuron:
a) Axon b) Terminal branches c) Cyton d) Dendrites. 
The correct pathway of a nerve impulse through these parts are ________.

  1. badc

  2. dcab

  3. bdac

  4. adbc

Correct Option: A

When a stimulus is applied at a site on the polarized membrane, the membrane at that site becomes freely permeable to (i)_ ions. leading to (ii)_ of the membrane.

  1. (i) - Na+, (ii) - depolarisation

  2. (i) - K+, (ii)- depolarisation

  3. (i) - K+, (ii)- depolarisation

  4. (i) - Na+, (ii) - depolarisation

Correct Option: D

Opening of which of the following type of channels is responsible for repolarisation of an axonal membrane?

  1. $Na^+$ leaky channels

  2. $K^+$ leaky channels

  3. Voltage gates $Na^+$ channels

  4. Voltage gated $K^+$ channels

Correct Option: A