Tag: internal structure of root, stem and leaf

Questions Related to internal structure of root, stem and leaf

Number of cambial strips in a vascular bundle of Cucurbita stem is?

  1. $1$

  2. $2$

  3. $3$

  4. $4$

Correct Option: B

In the vascular bundles of Cucurbita stems, a xylem strand and two phloem strands are present on the same radius. So the vascular bundles are called Bicollateral vascular bundles. In these bundles, two strips of cambiua are present in between the xylem and phloem.

So, the correct option is ‘ 2’.

In an old stem, the oldest secondary xylem is found just

  1. Inner to vascular cambium

  2. Outside primary xylem

  3. Outside vascular cambium

  4. Inner to phellogen

Correct Option: B

In dicot stem, during secondary growth, when new secondary xylem formation is going on, oldest secondary xylem appear outside the primary xylem.

So, the correct option is 'Outside primary xylem.

Bundle sheath is absent around vascular bundles of.

  1. Dicot stem

  2. Monocot stem

  3. Dicot leaf

  4. Monocot leaf

Correct Option: A

The layer with thick walled present around the vascular bundles is called Bundle sheath. It is sclerenchymatous in monocot stem vascular bundles, parenchymatous in dicot leaf and monocot leaf. It is absent in vascular bundles of dicot stem

So, the correct answer is ‘Dicot stem’

A dicot in which stem has scattered vascular bundles is

  1. Helianthus

  2. Pepromia

  3. Yucca

  4. Dolichos

Correct Option: B

A.Helianthus - a dicot with rings of vascular bundles in the stele. It is called Eustele.

B.Peperomia - a dicot with scattered vascular bundles in the stele. It is called atactostele.
C.Yucca - a monocot with scattered vascular bundles in the stele. It is called Atactostele.
D.Dolichos - a dicot with rings of vascular bundles in the stele. It is called Eustele.
So, the correct option is 'Peperomia'.

Endodermis of dicot stem is also called

  1. Bundle sheath

  2. Starch sheath

  3. Mesophyll

  4. Water channel

Correct Option: B

In dicot stem, endodermal cells are rich in starch grains. So it is also called endodermoid layer or starch sheath or starch layer.

So, the correct option is ‘Starch sheath’.

Periderm includes

  1. Cork cambium (phellogen), cork (phellem) and secondary cortex (phelloderm)

  2. Cork cambium and cork

  3. Cork

  4. Cork and secondary phloem

Correct Option: A

The corky outer layer of a plant is commonly called the periderm. It has three parts- the cork cambium (phellogen), the cork (phellem), and the secondary cortex (phelloderm). It usually forms as a result of secondary thickening in the case of an injury.

So, the correct answer is 'Cork cambium (phellogen), cork (phellem) and secondary cortex (phelloderm)'

Vascular cambium of dicot stem is

  1. Apical meristem

  2. Intercalary meristem

  3. Lateral meristem

  4. Secondary meristem

Correct Option: C
  • In vascular plants, the secondary growth occurs due to the activity of the two lateral meristems- the cork cambium and the vascular cambium.
  • In woody plants, the secondary growth produces wood and gives shapes to the plant with a thickened trunk.
  • The secondary growth develops a cork cambium and vascular cambium.
  • The cork cambium forms the thickened cork cells which protect the surface of the plant and also reduces water loss.
  • Vascular cambium is also known as fascicular cambium which develops within the vascular bundles that produce xylem to the inner side and phloem to the outer side.
  • In dicots, the fascicular and interfascicular cambium combine together to form a continuous ring called the vascular cambium.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Lateral meristem'

    For a critical study of secondary growth in plants, which one of the following pairs is suitable?

    1. Wheat and maiden hair fern

    2. Sugarcane and sunflower

    3. Teak and pine

    4. Deodar and fern

    Correct Option: C

    Secondary growth occurs due to cell division in cambia or lateral meristems resulting in thickening of stems and roots. This is the characteristic feature of dicotyledons, gymnosperms and vascular system plants. Teak and pine belong to these systems and study of secondary growth is possible in these plants.

    So, the correct answer is 'Teak and pine'

    If the dicot stem is stained for starch, the most intense colouration would develop in

    1. epiblema

    2. phloem

    3. endodermis

    4. pith

    Correct Option: C

    Epiblema is the outer layer of the roots also known as epidermal cells of roots which perform the function of absorption.

    Phloem is the conducting strands or tissues for the transport of food and minerals and is thus responsible for the nutrient supply of plants.
    Endodermis is the layer in the center that surrounds the cortex of roots and stems. it is the layer which surrounds the vascular bundles. It is also called a starch sheath which has starch grains in the stems of dicots.
    Pith is the central part of roots and stems which help in the nutrients supply.
    So, the correct option is 'Endodermis'.

    Select the correct option:

    Given are a few peculiar parts/structures found in plants Cucurbita stem, potato tuber, walnut shell, jute fibres.
    Identify the tissue responsible for the distinguishing feature in each part respectively and select the correct option

    1. Collenchymatous hypodermis, Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Phloem

    2. Collenchymatous hypodermis, Sclerenchyma,Parenchyma, Phloem

    3. Parenchymatous hypodermis, Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Xylem

    4. Collenchymatous hypodermis, Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Xylem

    Correct Option: A
    1. Cucurbita stem: Collenchyma is the tissue of primary body. The cell walls show localized thickenings. It occurs chiefly in the hypodermis of dicot stems( e.g. Cucurbita, Helianthus).
      2. Potato tuber: Parenchyma is cell and tissue type in which the cells have only thin primary walls. The cotyledon of many leguminous plants contains protein and starch in their parenchyma cells. Protein and starch are present in the parenchyma of potato tuber.
      3. Walnut shell: Sclerenchyma consists of thick-walled dead cells. It usually occurs in hard parts of plant bodye.g. hard endocarp of Walnut, almond and coconut).
      4. Jute fibres: Phloem fibres are also called bast fibres and most occur in secondary phloem. The fibres of primary phloem have both cellulose and lignified thickenings.
      So, the correct answer is 'Collenchymatous hypodermis, Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Phloem'.