Tag: mainframe

Questions Related to mainframe

  1. This is only true if there are arguments, otherwise the parentheses must be excluded.

  2. This is also true if there are no arguments, but the parentheses can be omitted.

  3. This is also true if there are no arguments, the parentheses must be included.

  4. This is always true, since there are no functions without arguments.

Correct Option: C
  1. 12.3

  2. 12.3000

  3. 12.346

  4. 12.345

Correct Option: D
  1. the external subroutine SUBROUT1 will be executed, bypassing any internal subroutines.

  2. the internal subroutine SUBROUT1 will be executed; external subroutines aren't called.

  3. the internal subroutines will be searched for SUBROUT1; only if there isn't an internal one, the external SUBROUT1 will be executed.

  4. an error will occur; subroutine names must never be coded between quotes.

Correct Option: A
  1. Begins the subparameters of the DCB

  2. Begins the DASD control block

  3. Marks the close of the DCB

  4. Modifies the record type parameters

Correct Option: A
  1. One can not shield variables in a subroutine from the main EXEC, only from other subroutines.

  2. One can shield the variables by using the clause: CALL SUBROUT1 PROCEDURE

  3. One can shield the variables by defining the start clause of a subroutine:SUBROUT1: PROCEDURE

  4. One can shield the variables by defining the start clause of a subroutine: SUBROUT1: SHIELDED

Correct Option: C

What is the maximum length of a single line of JCL

  1. 71 bytes

  2. 60 bytes

  3. 55 bytes

  4. 80 bytes

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to have knowledge of Job Control Language (JCL).

The maximum length of a single line of JCL is an important consideration while writing mainframe JCL. JCL statement can be continued onto the next line by inserting a hyphen (-) in column 72 of the JCL statement. This is referred to as JCL continuation.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. 71 bytes: This option is correct. The maximum length of a single line of JCL is 71 bytes. Any JCL statement that exceeds this limit should include a continuation character (-) in column 72.

B. 60 bytes: This option is incorrect. The maximum length of a single line of JCL is greater than 60 bytes.

C. 55 bytes: This option is incorrect. The maximum length of a single line of JCL is greater than 55 bytes.

D. 80 bytes: This option is incorrect. Although 80 bytes is a common length for lines of code in other programming languages, it is not the maximum length of a single line of JCL.

The Answer is: A. 71 bytes

  1. Marks a deleted DD statement

  2. Begins an interpreted command stream

  3. Specifies no space allocation & no disposition processing

  4. Suppress command processing

Correct Option: C