Tag: mainframe

Questions Related to mainframe

What is the length of DFHCOMMAREA

  1. 16Kb

  2. 32Kb

  3. 64Kb

  4. 1 MB

Correct Option: B

What error we get when we press enter with out entering any value in map


  2. ASRA

  3. ASRB

  4. AEI9

Correct Option: A
  1. send map() cursor()

  2. cursor()

  3. send ()

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

How many bytes will a S9(8) COMP field occupy ?

  1. 9

  2. 4

  3. 8

  4. 5

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of the COMP field in COBOL.

In COBOL, the COMP field is used to represent numeric data. It is stored in binary format, which means that each digit is represented by a binary byte.

The S9(8) COMP field is defined as a signed numeric field with a length of 8 digits. The "S9" part indicates that it is a signed field, and the "(8)" part indicates the length.

Since each digit is represented by a binary byte, the S9(8) COMP field will occupy 8 bytes.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) 4.

How many bytes does a S9(7) COMP-3 field occupy

  1. 4

  2. 8

  3. 3

  4. 7

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the representation of a COMP-3 field in COBOL.

A S9(7) COMP-3 field is a signed numeric field that can hold up to 7 digits. It is stored in a packed decimal format, where each digit is represented by half a byte (nibble). The left-most nibble is used to store the sign of the number.

In a COMP-3 field, each digit occupies 4 bits (half a byte). Therefore, for a S9(7) COMP-3 field, we have 7 digits, which requires 7*4 = 28 bits.

Since 8 bits make up 1 byte, we need to divide 28 bits by 8 to get the number of bytes required.

28 bits / 8 = 3.5 bytes

Since we cannot have half a byte, we need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, a S9(7) COMP-3 field occupies 4 bytes.

So, the correct answer is A) 4 bytes.

  1. 999999999

  2. 9999999

  3. 99999999

  4. 99999

Correct Option: C

To solve this question, the user needs to know the format and properties of a S9(8) COMP data type in mainframe systems.

The S9(8) COMP is a signed 4-byte (32-bit) binary integer data type in IBM mainframe systems. It can store values ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647. Since S9(8) is a signed data type, the first bit of the binary representation is reserved for the sign of the number (0 for positive and 1 for negative).

To find the maximum value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP, we can use the formula:

Maximum value = (2^(number of bits - 1)) - 1

For S9(8) COMP, the number of bits is 32 (4 bytes x 8 bits per byte), so the formula becomes:

Maximum value = (2^(32 - 1)) - 1

Maximum value = 2,147,483,647

However, since S9(8) COMP is a signed data type, the maximum positive value that can be stored is half of the range, or 2,147,483,647 / 2 = 1,073,741,823.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. 999999999: This option is incorrect because the maximum positive value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP is 1,073,741,823, which is less than 999,999,999.

B. 9999999: This option is incorrect because it is less than the maximum positive value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP, which is 1,073,741,823.

C. 99999999: This option is incorrect because it is greater than the maximum positive value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP, which is 1,073,741,823.

D. 99999: This option is incorrect because it is much less than the maximum positive value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP, which is 1,073,741,823.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: C. 99999999