Tag: be my multiple, i'll be your factor

Questions Related to be my multiple, i'll be your factor

Solve the given exponent:
$\sqrt[4]{12} \times \sqrt[7]{6}$  

  1. $2^{\frac{9}{14}}\times 3^{\frac{11}{28}}$

  2. $3^{\frac{9}{14}}\times 2^{\frac{11}{28}}$

  3. $2^{\frac{1}{14}}\times 3^{\frac{1}{28}}$

  4. $3^{\frac{1}{14}}\times 2^{\frac{1}{28}}$

Correct Option: A

$\sqrt[4]{12} \ \times \ \sqrt[7]{6}$

$=(12)^{\frac{1}{4}} \ \times \ (6)^{\frac{1}{7}}$

$=(2\times2\times3)^{\frac{1}{4}} \ \times \ (2\times3)^{\frac{1}{7}}$

$=(2^2\times3)^{\frac{1}{4}} \ \times \ (2\times3)^{\frac{1}{7}}$

$=2^{2\times(\frac{1}{4})}\times 3^{\frac{1}{4}} \ \times2^\frac{1}{7}\times3^\frac{1}{7}$

$=2^{\frac{1}{2}}\times 3^{\frac{1}{4}} \ \times2^\frac{1}{7}\times3^\frac{1}{7}$

$=2^{(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{7})}\times 3^{(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{7})}$-----If base is same, then their powers can be added, by product law.

$=2^{\frac{9}{14}}\times 3^{\frac{11}{28}}$

Option A.

Choose the most appropriate option.
The traffic lights at three different signal points change after every $45$ seconds, $75$ seconds and $90$ seconds respectively. If all change simultaneously at $7:20:15$ hours, then they will change again simultaneoulsy at.

  1. $7:27:30$ hours

  2. $7:28:00$ hours

  3. $7:27:50$ hours

  4. $7:27:45$ hours

Correct Option: D
The $3$ signals (at $3$ points) change every $45 s,\, 75 s,\, 90 s$

So, they will change simultaneously for a common time, which is the common multiple or $L.C.M$ of the three

$\Rightarrow$  $45 = 5\times 9 = 3^2 \times 5$ 

$\Rightarrow$  $75 = 3\times 25 = 3\times 5^2$

$\Rightarrow$  $90 = 9\times 10 = 2\times 3^2\times 5$

$L.C.M= 2 \times 3^2 \times 5^2 = 2\times 9\times 25 = 450s$

So, they will change simultaneously every $450s$ or $7\,mins\,30 \,sec$

$\Rightarrow$  So, next they will change together at $7:27:45$ hours.

State true or false:

The common factors of $18$ and $24$ are $1,2,3,6$.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Factors of $ 18 = 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9$ and $ 18 $

Factors of $ 24 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 $ and $ 24 $

Common factors are $ 1, 2, 3, 6 $

State the following statement is True or False
The common factors of $75$ and $50$ are $1,5,25$
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Factors of $ 50 = 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 $ and $ 50 $

Factors of $ 75 = 1,3, 5, 15, 25 $ and $ 75 $

Common factors are $ 1, 5, 25 $

Common factors of $9$ and $36$ are 

  1. $1,3,9$

  2. $1,4,3,5,9$

  3. $1,4,5$

  4. None 

Correct Option: A

Factors of $ 9 $  are $ 1, 3, 9 $
Factors of $ 36 $ are $ 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 36 $
$\therefore $ common factors are $ 1, 3, 9 $.

In a school, $351$ boys and $273$ girls have been divided into the largest possible equal classes with each class having equal boys and girls. Find the number of classes

  1. $11$

  2. $13$

  3. $10$

  4. $9$

Correct Option: B

What is the least number by which 2352 is to be multiplied to make it a perfect square?

  1. $6$

  2. $4$

  3. $3$

  4. $8$

Correct Option: C
$2$ $2352$
$2$ $1176$
$2$ $588$
$2$ $294$
$3$ $147$
$7$ $49$

L.C.M of $2352=2^2\times 2^2\times 7^2\times 3$
To make $2352$ a perfect square it must be multiplied by $3$

Find the 1st common multiple of $6$ and $8$.

  1. $24$

  2. $16$

  3. $12$

  4. $2$

Correct Option: A

$1$st common multiple of $6,8$ is same as LCM of these numbers.

$6 = 2\times3$
$8 = 2^{3}$

$\therefore$ LCM $= 2^{3}\times3 = 24$

the first four common multiple of numbers $6,8,10$ are

  1. $10,20,30,40$

  2. $120,240,360,480$

  3. $8,40,80,120$

  4. $6,60,120,240$

Correct Option: B
$6 = 2\times3$
$8 = 2^{3}$
$10 = 2\times5$

$\Rightarrow$ LCM of $6,8,10 = 2^{3}\times3\times5 = 120$

$\therefore 120$ is the least common multiple of $6,8,10$. Thus, all multiples of $120$ are common multiples of $6,8$ and $10$.

$\therefore$ First four common multiples $= 120,240,360,480$

Find two common multiples of $12,15$

  1. $48,96$

  2. $60,120$

  3. $10,20$

  4. $24,30$

Correct Option: B

$12= 2^{2}\times 3$

$15 = 3\times5$

$\Rightarrow$ LCM$= 2^{2}\times3\times5 = 60$

$\therefore 60$ is the least common multiple of $12,15$. Thus, all multiples of $60$ are common multiples of $12$ and $15$.

Answer $= 60,120$