Tag: constellations and galaxies

Questions Related to constellations and galaxies

The method of measuring distance to stars beyond 100 light-years is

  1. Capheid variable stars

  2. Heid variable stars

  3. Lowheid variable stars

  4. None

Correct Option: A

The brightness of the stars changes over time. The difference in the brightness over time allows calculating the distance to the star. This is the cepheid variable stars method that is used to measure the distance to stars beyond 100 light years.

The method of measuring the distance to stars beyond 100 light-years is  Cepheid variable stars

Which is the another unit used by astronomers for measuring distance to other parts of Milky Way Galaxy?

  1. Km

  2. Light year

  3. Parsec

  4. Meter

Correct Option: C

Units used in astronomy by astronomers are an astronomical unit, light year and parsec.

another unit used by astronomers for measuring the distance to other parts of Milky Way Galaxy is Parsec

How can Cepheid variable stars helpful to figure out true brightness?

  1. These stars change their brightness over time

  2. These stars lower their brightness over time

  3. These stars raise their brightness over time

  4. None

Correct Option: A

The brightness of the stars changes over time. The difference in the brightness over time allows calculating the distance to the star. This is the cepheid variable stars method that is used to measure the distance to stars beyond 100 light years.

These stars change their brightness over time

Distance from Earth to Proxima Centauri, the next nearest star is:

  1. 4.24 light years

  2. 5.5 light years

  3. 4.0 light years

  4. 3.5 light years

Correct Option: A

Proxima Centauri, a part of a triple star system named Alpha Centauri, is the closest star to our solar system. It is about 4.24 light years away from the Earth.

The Andromeda Galaxy is

  1. 2.3 million light years

  2. 3.5 million light years

  3. 2 million light years

  4. 5.6 million light years

Correct Option: A

Andromeda galaxy is the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way. It is about 2.537 million light-years away.

 The Andromeda Galaxy is 2.3 million light years

Light moves at velocity of roughly __________ kms in every second.

  1. 300,000

  2. 500000

  3. 100000

  4. 400000

Correct Option: A

The velocity of the light is precisely 299792458 metres per second or 3 x 10$^8$ m/s.

Astronomers use light years to measure the speed of light.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Heavenly bodies are very far away from each other. It is impossible to measure their distances by using conventional units like miles and kilometres. Hence light year is used to measure the distance of heavenly bodies from each other.

All the stars are at the same distance from us. This statement is

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Our Sun is the nearest star to the Earth. After the Sun, the next nearest star is 4.3 light years away. A light year is the distance light travels in one year. One light year is 10 trillion kilometers. Hence, all the stars are not the same distance from our Earth. They are at different distances. Hence, given statement is false.

The $6563 \mathring {A}$ line emitted by hydrogen atom in a star is found to be red shifted by $5\mathring{A}$. the speed with which the star is receding from the earth is:

  1. $17.3\times 10^3 $ m/s

  2. $4.29 \times 10^7 $m/s

  3. $3.39 \times 10^5 $m/s

  4. $ 2.29 \times 10^5$ m/s

Correct Option: D

$\dfrac{\triangle v}{v}=\dfrac{V _{radiant}}{C}$
$\dfrac{d\lambda}{\lambda }=\dfrac{V _{radial }}{C}$
$\dfrac{5 \times 10^{-10}}{6563 \times 10^{-10}}=\dfrac{C _{radial}}{3\times 10^8}$
Calculate $V _radial=\dfrac{5}{6563}\times 3\times 10^8$
$=\dfrac{15}{6563}\times 10^8$
$\dfrac{15}{6.56}\times 10^5$
$2.29\times 10^5m/s$

A star is seen to be rising on the eastern horizon at $23:00$ hrs. At what time the star will rise 2 days later

  1. $00:00$ hrs

  2. $21:40$ hrs

  3. $23:20$ hrs

  4. $23:00$ hrs

Correct Option: D
The stores appear to be static when seen from earth thus they only appear to be moving due to earth's rotation about its axis. It takes exactly $24$ hors to complete one rotation. So after days $(2\times 24\ hrs)$, the far will be seen rising at the same time
$(i.e., 23:00\ hrs)$