Tag: the nature of light

Questions Related to the nature of light

Mark the correct statements (s) for a very thin soap film (RI = 1.33) whose thickness is much less then wavelength of visible light.

  1. Film appears dark.

  2. Film appears shiny.

  3. Film on glass (RI = 1.5) appears dark.

  4. Film on glass (RI = 1.5) appears shiny.

Correct Option: C

When a ray of light enters glass from water, it bends :

  1. Away from the normal due to increase in the speed of light

  2. Away from the normal due to decrease in the speed of light

  3. Towards the normal due to decrease in the speed of light.

  4. Towards the normal due to increase in the speed of light.

Correct Option: D

When a ray of light enters from glass to water, it bends towards normal due to increase in speed of light. 

As we know,


         $\mu$ for water is less than that of glass, as glass acts as a denser medium. $\therefore$ the speed of light in glass will be less than that in water.

A convex lens forms a real image with magnification $m _1$ on a screen. Now, the screen is moved by a distance x and the object is also moved so as to obtain a real image with magnification $m _2 (> m _1) $ on the screen. Then, the focal length of the lens is

  1. $\left [ \dfrac{m _1}{m _2} \right ]x$

  2. $\left [ \dfrac{m _2}{m _1} \right ]x$

  3. $x(m _2-m _1)$

  4. $ \dfrac{x}{(m _2-m _1)} $

Correct Option: D