Tag: national liberation movements in the colonies

Questions Related to national liberation movements in the colonies

Identify the correct statements for the Gulf  of Tonkin Resolution  of 1964.

  1. It passed both the Senate and the House without any dissenting votes.

  2. It contributed to President Johnson's slim margin of victory in the 1964 election.

  3. It was a declaration of war that Congress passed after much debate.

  4. In retrospect, it is clear that the resolution was justified by clear evidence of North Vietnamese aggression.

  5. It gave President Johnson a "blank check" to retaliate against the North Vietnamese.

Correct Option: E

It gave President Johnson a "blank check" to retaliate against the North Vietnamese.

The Nixon Doctrine proclaimed that ____________________.

  1. The United States would establish detente with the Soviet Union in order to limit China's influence in Asia

  2. China and the United States would establish diplomatic relations with each other

  3. Taiwan would be guaranteed U.S. protection against invasion by Communist China

  4. America would honor its military agreement with its Asian allies, but would limit the number of combat troops in its allies' wars

  5. America would continue to send troops to countries fighting communism in Asia

Correct Option: D

"Vietnamization" was a policy introduced by the Richard Nixon administration . It aimed to end US involvement in the Vietnam War and to strengthen the south Vietnamese armed forces.

 Why was Agent Orange used by the military during the Vietnam War? 

  1. To poison food crops grown by Vietcong supporters.

  2. To pollute wells supplying water to Vietcong guerilla fighters.

  3. To blow up tunnel systems used to shelter Vietcong troops.

  4. To protect American troops from malaria.

  5. To clear forest vegetation that could hide Vietcong soldiers.

Correct Option: E

Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by U.S. military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for North Vietnamese and Vietnam Cong troops. The U.S. program, codenamed Operation Ranch Hand, sprayed more than 20 million gallons of various herbicides over Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from 1961 to 1971. Agent Orange, which contained the deadly chemical dioxin, was the most commonly used herbicide. It was later proven to cause serious health issues.

Richard Nixon won the Presidency in 1968 with the campaign promise of ending the war in Vietnam. 
Which of the following explains his plan for ending the war? 

  1. The possible use of nuclear missiles on Hanoi, the capital of North Vietnam. in order to force their surrender.

  2. Nixon would ask the United Nations to negotiate a peace settlement between the North Vietnamese and the U.S.

  3. Nixon would "Vietnamize" the war with the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops out of South Vietnam, leaving the conflict in the hands of the South Vietnamese.

  4. Nixon would offer to the North Vietnamese the Hue Province in South Vietnam in attempt to reach a settlement in the conflict.

  5. Nixon would order the American military to increase both airstrikes and ground missions in order to end the threat of the Vietcong.

Correct Option: A

All but which of the following are reasons why many Americans protested the military draft during the war? A 

  1. ,Young men who were college students could get a college deferrment, yet non-students could not be afforded such a privilege.

  2. Young African-American and Hispanic men served in disproportionately higher numbers than young white men.

  3. A young man of wealth means could hire a substitute to serve for him.

  4. Young men should not have to fight in a war they do not believe in.

  5. Young men could be drafted into military service but could not vote until the age of 21.

Correct Option: A

All of the following were a part of Richard Nixon's southern strategy in 1972 to build a Republican majority except __________________________.

  1. use Vice President Spiro Agnew to attack liberal and antiwar protesters

  2. appeal to the Silent Majority

  3. appoint southern conservative judges to the Supreme Court

  4. establish greater rapport with the press

  5. appeal to Catholic, ethnic, and blue-collar workers by stressing traditional values

Correct Option: D

Richard Nixon used his "southern strategy" to defeat Hubert Humphrey during 1968 Democratic elections. This strategy included Nixon's promise to the southern voters that he would be less aggressive in pursuing a civil rights agenda. 

The 1954,Vietnam peace negotiations in Geneva would not provided for ___________________.

  1. elections in 1956

  2. the elimination of a French presence in Vietnam

  3. a U.S role in the future of Vietnam

  4. the temporary division of Vietnam into North and South

  5. political power for the Communist Party

Correct Option: C

Why were the Vietcong (The National Liberation Front) a frustrating enemy for the American military? 

  1. They were better skilled helicopter pilots.

  2. They were equipped with superior weapons.

  3. Their propaganda campaigns won "the hearts and minds" of the South Vietnamese.

  4. They worked as spies for both the U.S. and North Vietnamese.

  5. They could quickly fade into the landscape because they used the terrain to their advantage.

Correct Option: A

The South objected to high tariffs, especially the so-called "Tariff of Abominations' because ______.

  1. They drove the price of cotton down.

  2. They believed that tariffs were unconstitutional.

  3. They helped western farmers at the planters' expense.

  4. They funded internal improvements.

  5. They drove up the costs of necessary manufactured items.

Correct Option: A

They drove the price of cotton down.

The American population was largely split into both "Hawks" and "Doves" in their views of America's participation in the Vietnam War. 
All of the following were beliefs of the "Doves" EXCEPT. 

  1. The high cost of war detracts from spending on domestic programs.

  2. American was justified in continuing its containment foreign policy in South East Asia.

  3. The Vietnam conflict was a civil war and of no interest to the United States.

  4. A democratic government such as the United States should be more open and honest with its citizens.

  5. Using weapons like napalm and supporting a corrupt government were immoral.

Correct Option: A