Tag: need for nutrients

Questions Related to need for nutrients

Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Vitamin B

  3. Vitamin D

  4. Vitamin E

  5. Vitamin K

Correct Option: B

Vitamins are important for healthy living. They are required for normal body metabolism as many enzymes required coenzymes for their activity. The coenzymes are derived from vitamins. The vitamins are divided into two categories- fat soluble (vitamin A, D, E and K) and water soluble (vitamin B complex and C).

The maximum amount of which nutrient is lost during processing?

  1. Vitamins

  2. Proteins

  3. Carbohydrates

  4. Fats

Correct Option: A

Almost all food is processed in some way before it is eaten. Commercially, the main reasons to process food are to eliminate micro-organisms (which may cause disease) and to extend shelf life. Simply cooking or combining a food with other foodstuffs to create a recipe is also considered a form of food processing. Whatever the case, the nutrient value of any food is often altered by the processing. Some vitamins are more stable (less affected by processing) than others. Water-soluble vitamins (B-group and C) are more unstable than fat-soluble vitamins (K, A, D and E) during food processing and storage. The most unstable vitamins include: folate, thiamine and vitamin C. More stable vitamins include: niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin K, vitamin D etc. So, maximum amount of vitamins are lost during food processing compared to carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 

Which of the following does not generate energy inside the body but are still essential?

  1. Fat

  2. Proteins

  3. Vitamins

  4. Carbohydrates

Correct Option: C

Vitamins does not generate energy inside the body but are still essential.

You need vitamins for immune function, growth, normal eye functions and an array of biological activities. Vitamins come in two forms: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water soluble vitamins include a series of B vitamins and vitamin C. You need to consume water-soluble vitamins from foods throughout the day, since your body does not have a way to store them. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed and stored with the help of fat. These vitamins, which are A, D, E and K, stay in your body until needed. Even though, vitamins do not have calories and do not give you energy directly, some of them are involved in energy metabolism. For example- thiamine, niacin and riboflavin, which are all B vitamins, pull energy from carbohydrates, protein and fat in your diet, but the B vitamins do not independently provide energy.

Which of the following is true about a vitamin?

  1. Vitamins can remain stable at high temperatures.

  2. Vitamins acts as co-factors in enzymatic reactions.

  3. Vitamin increases the activation energy of a substrate and hence accelerates reactions.

  4. Vitamins are always fat soluble.

Correct Option: B

Vitamins are essential compounds that must be acquired through the diet because the body can't synthesize them. One of the reasons vitamins are needed is because they play an indirect role in catalysis, in which enzymes speed up chemical reactions. However, most vitamins can't help enzymes on their own. In order to participate in catalytic reactions, most vitamins have to change into coenzymes that are small "co-pilot" molecules that pair up with enzymes. These coenzymes are extremely useful because they stay the same after catalysis, so they're recycled and reused multiple times.

The name vitamin was used for the first time by

  1. Funk

  2. Aristotle

  3. Eijkman

  4. Hopkins

Correct Option: A
In 1911, Casimir Funk isolated a concentrate from rice polishings that cured polyneuritis in pigeons. He named the concentrate “vitamine” because it appeared to be vital to life and because it was probably an amine. Although, the concentrate and other “accessory food substances” were not amines, the name stuck, but the final “e” was dropped. In 1913, two groups discovered a “fat-soluble” accessory food substance. Initially, believed to be a single vitamin, two separate factors were involved. One, effective against xerophthalmia, was named vitamin A; the other, effective against rickets, was named vitamin D. The factor that prevented scurvy was isolated in 1928. Known as “water-soluble C,” it was renamed ascorbic acid.

Which of the following substances is assimilated unchanged?

  1. Vitamin

  2. Protein

  3. Starch

  4. Lipid

Correct Option: A
Biological assimilation, is the combination of two processes to supply cells with nutrients. The first is the process of absorbing vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals from food within the gastrointestinal tract. In humans this is done with a chemical breakdown (enzymes and acids) and physical breakdown (oral mastication and stomach churning). The second process of bio assimilation is the chemical alteration of substances in the bloodstream by the liver or cellular secretions. Although a few similar compounds can be absorbed in digestion bio assimilation, the bioavailability of many compounds is dictated by this second process since both the liver and cellular secretions can be very specific in their metabolic action. This second process is where the absorbed food reaches the cells via the liver.

Vitamins with some enzymes act as

  1. Coenzyme

  2. Apoenzyme

  3. Holoenzyme

  4. Cofactor

Correct Option: A

Vitamins with some enzymes act as coenzyme. Coenzymes are organic molecules that are required by certain enzymes to carry out catalysis. They bind to the active site of the enzyme and participate in catalysis but are not considered substrates of the reaction.

An apoenzyme is an inactive enzyme, activation of the enzyme occurs upon binding of an organic or inorganic cofactor. 
Holoenzyme: An apoenzyme together with its cofactor. A holoenzyme is complete and catalytically active.
A cofactor is a non-protein chemical compound that is required for the protein's biological activity. These proteins are commonly enzymes, and cofactors can be considered "helper molecules" that assist in biochemical transformations.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Natural product of sun's transcedental energy is

  1. Minerals

  2. Starch

  3. Vitamins

  4. Salts

Correct Option: C

Vitamin D is not one chemical but many. The natural type is produced in the skin from a universally present form of cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol. Sunlight is the key: Its ultraviolet B (UVB) energy converts the precursor to vitamin D3. In contrast, most dietary supplements are manufactured by exposing a plant sterol to ultraviolet energy, thus producing vitamin D2. Because their function is almost identical, D2 and D3 are lumped together under the name vitamin D, but neither will function until the body works its magic. The sun’s energy turns a chemical in your skin into vitamin D3, which is carried to your liver and then your kidneys to transform it to active vitamin D. 

Which of the following substance can be assimilated unchanged?

  1. Vitamin

  2. Proteins

  3. Starch

  4. Lipids

Correct Option: A

Biological assimilation, is the combination of two processes to supply cells with nutrients. The first is the process of absorbing vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals from food within the gastrointestinal tract. In humans this is done with a chemical breakdown (enzymes and acids) and physical breakdown. The second process of bio assimilation is the chemical alteration of substances in the bloodstream by the liver or cellular secretions. Although a few similar compounds can be absorbed in digestion bio assimilation, the bio-availability of many compounds is dictated by this second process since both the liver and cellular secretions can be very specific in their metabolic action. This second process is where the absorbed food reaches the cells via the liver.

The name 'vitamin' was suggested by 

  1. Casmir Funk

  2. Ersnt Haeckel

  3. Elton

  4. Joseph Lister

Correct Option: A

Casimir Funk was a Polish biochemist and is credited with being among the first to formulate the concept of vitamins, which he called as vital amines or vitamins.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.