Tag: introduction to movement

Questions Related to introduction to movement

How many muscles are used in the movement of a bone?

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B
Animals exhibit a wide range of movements. The voluntary movements that result in a change of place or location are called locomotion. There are three main types of movements, namely, amoeboid, ciliary and muscular.
Streaming of protoplasm in the unicellular organisms like Amoeba is a simple form of movement. In Paramoecium, cilia help in the movement of food and in locomotion as well. In Paramoecium, cilia help in the movement of food and in locomotion as well. Birds fly, fish swim and humans use limbs for changes in body postures and locomotion as well. Hence, the answer is false.

Which of the following type of movement is supported by joints?

  1. Bending

  2. Partial rotation

  3. Complete rotation

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

There are various types of joints in the human body.

1. Hinge joint: Hinge joint is a common class of synovial joint that includes the ankle, elbow and knee joints. Maximum rotation is 180$^o$. (partial rotation)
2. Ball and socket joints provide maximum rotation i.e. a full circle (complete rotation). Example: Shoulder joint, hip joint
3. The joints of the vertebrae provide a scope for bending movement, such joints are partially movable i.e. diarthrosis joints.
Thus, the types of movements supported by the joints are bending, partial rotation and complete rotation.

Which of the following parts of the body shows maximum movements?

  1. Joints

  2. Muscles

  3. Bones

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A
  • Joints are the areas where two or more bones meet.
  • Joints are of three types. They are Synovial Joints, Fibrous Joints, and Cartilaginous Joints
  • Joints help in bringing about movements in different parts of the body. 
  • Synovial joints are the freely movable joints and show maximum moments in the body.
  • Hence parts of the body that shows maximum movements are joints.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Joints.

Which of the following characteristics can be related to contraction of muscles?

  1. Shorter

  2. Stiffer

  3. Thicker

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Muscle is a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. Muscle acts like a dense elastic band. When a muscle contracts, the length decreases, thus making the muscle shorter, stiffer and thicker. When the muscle relaxes, it makes the muscle increase in length i.e longer and thinner. 

Muscular movement requires maximum energy because

  1. It requires vigorous contraction and relaxation

  2. It requires muscular force for movement

  3. It improves the immune system

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

Which of the following helps in the movement of biceps and triceps?

  1. Muscles

  2. Bones

  3. Cartilage

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A
  • Flexor muscle decreases the angle between the bones that converge at the joint.
  • Extensor muscle increases the angle between the bones that converge at the joint.
  • The biceps is a large muscle that lies on the front of the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow and The triceps is a large muscle on the back of the upper limb.
  • The biceps is the flexor, and the triceps is the extensor of the elbow joint.
  • Hence muscles help in the movement of biceps and triceps.
  • So, the correct answer is'Muscles'.

Which of the following parts of the body moves by using muscular force?

  1. Biceps

  2. Legs

  3. Jaws

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

A muscle is a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. Muscular force is needed to bring movement, which needs energy for the contraction and relaxation of the same. Muscles are attached to bones to bring about the required movement.

The biceps are the muscles present in the upper arms, which require muscular force for its movement.
The legs are consist of bones attached to muscles which require muscular force for movement.
Jaws i.e. the mandibular region also requires muscular force to cause movement, because the muscles attached need force for resulting in movement.
Thus, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.

Innominate or hip bone is formed by the fusion of how
many bones

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 5

Correct Option: B

Hip bone is formed by the fusion of three bones; ilium on upper side, pubis on inner side and ischium below the pubis.

The ciliary body is located.

  1. Near the ciliary muscles

  2. Near the blind spot

  3. Just behind the cornea

  4. At the junction of iris and choroid

Correct Option: D