Tag: construction of index numbers

Questions Related to construction of index numbers

Compute a price index for the following by simple aggregate method.

Commodity A B C D E F
Price in 1986 (Rs) 20 30 10 25 40 50
Price in 1991 (Rs) 25 30 15 35 45 55
  1. 117.14

  2. 118.13

  3. 119.13

  4. 107.13

Correct Option: A
 commodity  price in $1986$ $({p} _{0})$ price in $1991$ $({p} _{1})$ 
 A  $20$  $25$
 B  $30$  $30$
 C  $10$  $15$
 D  $25$  $35$
 E  $40$  $45$
 F  $50$  $50$

$\sum { {p} _{0} }$ = $175$ , $\sum {{p} _{1} }$= $200$
price index number ${p} _{01}$ = $\dfrac {\sum {{p} _{1} }}{\sum { {p} _{0} } } \times 100$
=$\dfrac{200}{175} \times 100$

=$ \dfrac{20000}{175}$

= $117.14$

Compute the consumer price index for 1990 taking 1989 as the base year.

Commodity Price in 1989 Price in 1990
Butter 20 21
Cheese 16 12
Milk 3 3
Eggs 2.80 2.80
  1. 93

  2. 94

  3. 95

  4. 96

Correct Option: A
 $Commodity$ $Price\,in\,1989$$P _0$  $Price\,in\,1990$$P _1$ 
 $Butter$ $20$  $21$ 
$Cheese$  $16$  $12$ 
$Milk$  $3$  $3$ 
$Eggs$  $2.80$  $2.80$ 
 $Total$ $\sum P _0=41.8$  $\sum P _1=38.8$ 

$\therefore$   By using simple aggregate method,

$\Rightarrow$  $P _{01}=\dfrac{\sum P _1}{\sum P _0}\times 100=\dfrac{38.8}{41.8}\times 100 =92.82 \approx 93$

Calculate cost of living index from the following table of prices and weights.

Commodity Weight Price index
Food 35 108.5
Rent 9 102.6
Clothes 10 97
Fuel 7 100.9
MIscellaneous 39 103.7
  1. 104.4

  2. 106.5

  3. 126.5

  4. 128.5

Correct Option: A
 $Commodity$ $Weight$$w$  $Price\,index$$I$  $I.w$ 
 $Food$ $35$  $108.5$  $3797.5$ 
$Rent$  $9$  $102.6$  $923.4$ 
$Clothes$  $10$  $97$  $970$ 
$Fuel$  $7$  $100.9$  $706.3$ 
$Miscellaneous$  $39$  $103.7$  $4044.3$ 
$Total$  $\sum w=100$    $\sum I.w=10441.5$ 

$\Rightarrow$   Cost of living index = $\dfrac{\sum I.w}{\sum w}=\dfrac{10441.5}{100}=104.4$

Calculate weighted index number for 2001 from the following data:

Item A B C
Quantity 20 15 10
Price in 2000 200 100 20
Price in 2001 320 120 28
  1. 134.56

  2. 142.22

  3. 148.77

  4. 150.78

Correct Option: B
 $Item$ $Quantity$$w$  $Price\,in\,2000$$P _0$  $Price\,in\,2001$$P _1$  $I=\dfrac{P _1}{P _0}\times100$ $Iw$ 
 $A$ $20$  $ 200$ $320$  $160$  $3200 $
$B$ $15$  $100$  $120$  $120$  $1800$ 
$C$  $10$  $20$  $28$  $140$  $1400$ 
 $Total$ $\sum w=45$        $\sum Iw=6400$

$\therefore$   By using weighted average price relative method.

$\Rightarrow$  $P _{01}=\dfrac{\sum Iw}{\sum w}=\dfrac{6400}{45}=142.22$ 

Taking 1975 as the base year with an index number 100 , calculate an index number for 1985 based on weighted average of price relatives.

Commodity A B C D
weight 20 30 10 40
Price per unit in 1975 10 20 5 40
Price per unit in 1985 30 35 10 80
  1. 212.5

  2. 217.5

  3. 219.5

  4. 345.65

Correct Option: A
$Commodity$ $Weight$$w$  $Price\,in\,1975$$P _0$  $Price\,in\,1985$ $P _1$ $Price\,relative $$I=\dfrac{P _1}{P _0}\times 100$ $I.w$ 
 $A$ $20$  $10$  $30$  $300$  $6000$ 
$B$  $30$  $20$  $35$  $175$  $5250$
$C$ $10$  $5$  $10$  $200$  $2000$ 
$D$ $40$  $40$  $80$  $200$  $8000$ 
 $Total$ $\sum w=100$        $\sum I.w=21250$

$\Rightarrow$  By using weighted average of price relative method,

$\Rightarrow$  $P _{01}=\dfrac{\sum I.w}{\sum w}=\dfrac{21250}{100}=212.5$

The quotations for four different commodities for the years 2000 and 2005 are given below. Calculate the index number for 2005 , with 2000 as base year by using weighted average of price relatives method.

  1. $164.05$

  2. $161.05$

  3. $154.05$

  4. $151.05$

Correct Option: A

Calculate the cost of living index(approximately) from the following data:

Group Weights Group Index No.
Food 47 247
Fuel and Lightning 7 293
Clothing 8 289
House Rent 13 100
Miscellaneous 14 236
  1. $231.2$

  2. $265.4$

  3. $245.7$

  4. $123.78$

Correct Option: A

Cost of living index $=\cfrac { \sum _{ i=1 }^{ 5 }{ { \left( \text{weight }\right)  } _{ i } } \times { \left( \text{Index no.} \right)  } _{ i } }{ \sum _{ i=1 }^{ 5 }{ { \left( \text{weight} \right)  } _{ i } }  } $
$=\cfrac { 47\times 247+7\times 293+8\times 289+13\times 100+14\times 236 }{ 47+7+8+13+14 } $
$=\cfrac { 11609+2051+2312+1300+3304 }{ 89 } $
$=\cfrac { 20756 }{ 89 } =231.19$
$\simeq 231.2$

Using simple aggregate method, calculate price index number from the following data:

Commodity A B C D
Price in 1997 90 40 90 30
Price in 1998 95 60 110 35
  1. 110

  2. 120

  3. 130

  4. 140

Correct Option: B
 $Commodity$  $Price\, in\, 1997$          $P _0$  $Price\, in\, 1998$       $P _1$
 $A$ $90$ $95$
 $B$ $40$  $60$ 
 $C$ $90$  $110$
 $D$ $30$ $35$ 
 $Total$  $\sum P _0=250$  $\sum P _1=300$

$\Rightarrow$  Price index number $(P _{01})$ = $\dfrac{\sum P _1}{\sum P _0}\times 100=\dfrac{300}{250}\times=120$

Construct a composite index number from the following index numbers and weights:

Index Numbers 127 142 186 172 115
Weight 5 4 3 6 8
  1. $134$

  2. $145$

  3. $143$

  4. $149$

Correct Option: C

Composite index no. $=\cfrac { \sum _{ i=1 }^{ 5 }{ { \left( \text{index no. }\right)  } _{ i } } \times { \left( \text{Index no.Weight} \right)  } _{ i } }{ \sum _{ i=1 }^{ 5 }{ { \left(\text{ weight }\right)  } _{ i } }  } $
$=\cfrac { 127\times 5+142\times 4+186\times 3+172\times 6+115\times 8 }{ 5+4+3+6+8 } $
$=\cfrac { 635+568+558+1038+920 }{ 26 } $
$=\cfrac { 3713 }{ 26 } =142.8$
$\simeq 143$

The following commodities have the given price indices relative to a base of $100$. The weights are also given:

Commodity Relative Index Weight
Butter 181 4
Bread 116 12
Tea 110 3
Bacon 152 7

Calculate the new index for this set of commodities

  1. $132$

  2. $133$

  3. $134$

  4. $135$

Correct Option: D

New index $=\cfrac { \sum _{ i=1 }^{ 4 }{ { \left( \text{Relative index }\right)  } _{ i } } \times { \left( \text{Index no. Weight }\right)  } _{ i } }{ \sum _{ i=1 }^{ 4 }{ { \left( \text{weight }\right)  } _{ i } }  } $
$=\cfrac { 181\times 4+116\times 12+110\times 3+152\times 7 }{ 4+12+3+7 } $
$=\cfrac { 724+1392+330+1064 }{ 26 } $
$=\cfrac { 3510 }{ 26 } =\cfrac { 1755 }{ 13 } $