Tag: flower to flower

Questions Related to flower to flower

Intraspecific incompatibility is overcome by.

  1. Mixed pollination

  2. Self pollination

  3. Wetting pollination

  4. Wetting of stigmas

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following plants is pollinated by bat?

  1. Bombax ceiba

  2. calotropis procera

  3. Mucuna gigantean

  4. Nicotiana glauca

Correct Option: A

Which of the following flowers are pollinated by wind?

  1. sunflower

  2. corn and willow

  3. buttercup and rose

  4. orchid and wall flower

Correct Option: B

Anemophilous flowers have certain characters like:-

  • Production of a large number of pollen grains.
  • Well exposed anther.
  • Stigma is feathery and sticky.
  • Pollen grains are light and non-sticky.
All these properties are found in the flower of corn and willow.
So the correct option is 'Corn and willow'.

In oak, pollination is facilitated mainly by ___________.

  1. Birds

  2. Droplets of rain

  3. Insects

  4. Wind

Correct Option: A

Pollination in Ficus is?

  1. Anemophilous

  2. Entomophilous

  3. Ornithophilous

  4. Cheiropterophilous

Correct Option: A

Hydrophilic means pollination.

  1. Below water

  2. Inside water

  3. On the surface of water

  4. By agents other than water

Correct Option: A