Tag: diversity and discrimination

Questions Related to diversity and discrimination

If someone does something wrong, we get __________.

  1. Peaceful

  2. Happy

  3. Angry

  4. Joyful

Correct Option: C

Anger is a type of emotion that is controlled by our hormones. Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, disappointment, displeasure or hostility. we usually feel angry when we think that someone is doing something wrong, unfair, and cruel.

It is natural to desire something but we must not be greedy for it.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Humans desire are insatiable meaningly never-ending. We would crave for something to achieve or get even if we get more than anything. This is the natural instinct of human being to desire for things he longs for but one should be careful enough to not get greedy as it greed always results in devastation. It makes even the wrong and illegal way to achieve something as normal.

If we speak about our flaws as openly as we speak about our talents, it will be to our ________.

  1. Disadvantage

  2. Advantage

  3. Inferiority

  4. Incapacity

Correct Option: B

Flaws and talents are the qualities of a person. No one is flawless. A person is considered as a perfect and balanced person if he/she accepts his/her flaws as openly as their talents and other good qualities. Flaws teaches us how we can improve ourselves more to achieve the desired goal of our lives.

Achieving control of one's movements to learn to do something new is called __________.

  1. Learning a skill

  2. Incompetence

  3. Entertainment

  4. Stupidity

Correct Option: A

Learning can be considered as an activity or skill. Achieving control of one's movements to learn to do something new is called learning a skill. Learning a skill is not limited to any particular area. It is a matter of interest. For example photography, painting, directing etc. For all these things we need skills.

Just as man is able to think, he is also _____________.

  1. Emotional

  2. Emotionless

  3. Cold

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Man is a social animal. He has the ability to think and respond. Unlike robots humans are emotional. They are controlled by the hormones. Emotions play a very vital role in any one's life. Emotions help us to be happier, do better,  reduces stress, and boost well-being.

Facial expressions are one mode of ____________.

  1. Verbal communication

  2. Bilateral communication

  3. Nonverbal communication

  4. Facial Expressions for emotional control

Correct Option: C

Non-verbal communication is communication between people through sending and receiving wordless cues. It includes the use of visual cues such as body language, gestures, appearance, facial expressions, eye gaze etc.

Facial expressions of certain primary emotions are ___________.

  1. Complex

  2. Simple

  3. Inexplicable

  4. Innate

Correct Option: D

A facial expression is a form of non-verbal communication. A facial expression is one or more motions or positions of the muscles beneath the skin of the face. Facial movements convey the emotional state of an individual to observers. Facial expressions are a primary means of conveying social information between humans. The facial expression of certain primary emotion is innate or natural born.

What does 'investment in human capital' mean?

  1. Giving proper education to all

  2. Giving proper medical care to all

  3. Giving training to those who are interested in some skill

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Anger, joy, sorrow, jealousy, disappointment, fear, etc. are all __________.

  1. Promotions

  2. Emotions

  3. Locations

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Emotions are what people feel. Emotions are caused by a complex mixture of hormones and the unconscious mind. It can be positive or negative. For example anger, sorrow, fear, joy, jealousy, disappointment, surprise, trust etc.

Emotional adjustment involves ___________.

  1. Coping with your emotions

  2. Being able to control emotions

  3. Expressing emotions in a reasonable manner

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Emotional adjustment is the maintenance of  emotional equilibrium in the face of internal and external stressors. Emotional adjustment involves the following things:

1. Being able to control emotions
2. Coping with our emotions
3. Expressing emotions in a reasonable manner
4. Having the patience to deal with sudden emotions
5. Handling stress during emotions