Tag: trading and economic organisations

Questions Related to trading and economic organisations

What locational advantage does India possess for International trade?

  1. Central location in the Eastern hemisphere

  2. Location in the middle of the developing countries

  3. Location at the sourthern end of Asia

  4. Location on the east-west oceanic route through the Suez Canal

Correct Option: D

If the commodities manufactured in Surat and sold in Mumbai or Delhi, then it is ________.

  1. International trade

  2. Internal trade

  3. Free trade

  4. Territorial trade

Correct Option: B

Which factors result in the exchange of goods?

  1. Geology

  2. Vegetation

  3. Soil

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

These are primary products:
This question has multiple answers.

  1. Cereals

  2. Cotton

  3. Computers

  4. Fruits

Correct Option: A,B,D

Primary products are the products which are used in raw form ,which are not manufactured. Hence cereal, cotton and fruits are in raw form i.e they are produced by earth.

Trade occurs because of ______ of goods in one place.

  1. Excess

  2. Surplus

  3. Large amount

  4. Less amount

Correct Option: B

Trade occurs because of surplus of goods in one place. A trade surplus is an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports. 

Which regions supply softwood and dairy products?

  1. Temperate

  2. Tropical

  3. Boreal

  4. Tundra

Correct Option: A

______ trade is between a number of countries.

  1. Retail

  2. Bilateral

  3. Wholesale

  4. Multilateral

Correct Option: D
Multilateral trade agreements are commerce treaties between three or more nations.

Trade within the country is called ______ trade.

  1. Bilateral

  2. International

  3. Multilateral

  4. Internal

Correct Option: D
  • Domestic trade is also known as internal trade or home trade. It is the exchange of domestic goods within the boundaries of a country. 

________ trade is the exchange of commodities between two countries.

  1. Bilateral

  2. Multilateral

  3. Wholesale

  4. Retail

Correct Option: A
  • Bilateral trade is an exchange of commodities exclusively between two countries.

________ is the exchange of commodities within or between countries.

  1. Export-Import

  2. Business

  3. Trade

  4. Commerce

Correct Option: C

Trade may be defined as "an exchange of goods and commodities either within the country or between countries." In simple terms, buying and selling of commodities is called trade and it may be local, regional, national and international.