Tag: foreign relations

Questions Related to foreign relations

The disarmament is aimed at firstly to destruction of all nuclear weapons that threaten world peace and secondly to divert these funds (used for making these weapons) to ____________.

  1. Fight against disease and poverty

  2. End discrimination

  3. Create more wealth

  4. Provide human rights

Correct Option: A

The aim of disarmament is:-

1. Elimination and abolition of nuclear weapons.
2. Abolition of other threats of mass destruction.
3. Channelise the funds which are used for making the weapons in poverty eradication and eliminating diseases.
4. Empower people to engage actively to work for a nuclear-free and peaceful future.

How many people were killed in Hiroshima bomb blast?

  1. 140000 people

  2. more than 200000

  3. no one was killed

  4. full country was killed

Correct Option: A

The Radiation Effects Research Foundation  gives a range of 90,000-140,000 1945 deaths at Hiroshima out of a population of 310,000. The Hiroshima Peace Site website gives a figure of 140,000 deaths by December 1945, out of a population of 350,000.

What are the three pillars of the NPT?

  1. Disarmament, nonproliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear technology

  2. Nuclear-weapon-free zones, nuclear power, and regional stability

  3. Strategic bombers, ICBMs, and SLBMs

  4. Nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons

Correct Option: A

  • The Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT has three pillars :  

  1. Nuclear Disarmament: Includes disarmament and dismantling military nuclear programs.
  2. Non-proliferation: Non nuclear weapon states agree to avoid developing nuclear technology while NWS agree not to spread the technology.
  3. Peaceful Uses Of Nuclear Technology : Using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and not for war and its nuances. 

The atomic bomb used in Nagasaki was in the year __________.

  1. 1940

  2. 1942

  3. 1945

  4. 1950

Correct Option: C

Three days after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9 – a 21-kiloton plutonium device known as Fat Man. On the day of the bombing, an estimated 263,000 were in Nagasaki, including 240,000 Japanese residents, 9,000 Japanese soldiers, and 400 prisoners of war. Prior to August 9, Nagasaki had been the target of small scale bombing by the United States.

Testing and piling of nuclear weapons leads to __________.

  1. Depletion of resources

  2. Degradation of environment

  3. Harmful effect on human health

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The effects of testing and piling of nuclear weapons are as follows:-

1. The radioactive elements present in the nuclear weapon causes immense pollution in the environment. It increases the radiation levels in the groundwater and degrades the aquatic life.
2. The radioactive isotopes which are released in the large amount during nuclear test cause thyroid cancer.
3. The places where a nuclear test is carried out become unfit for living as well as for the vegetation.
4. Nuclear test leads to depletion of natural resources like land, water, forests, fauna, and flora.

Which of the following would India NOT need to do in order to become a party to the NPT? 

  1. accept comprehensive IAEA safeguards

  2. eliminate its nuclear arsenal

  3. join the treaty as a NNWS

  4. join the Nuclear Suppliers Group

Correct Option: D

In order to become a party to the NPT, India would need to join the treaty as a Non Nuclear Weapon State for which it would have to eliminate its nuclear arsenal. The NPT only recognises five countries as NWS. It would also have to accept IAEA safeguards. 

However, there is no pre-requisite to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group in order to become a party to the NPT. 

How many members does the NPT currently have?

  1. 5

  2. 193

  3. 191

  4. 147

Correct Option: C

According to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, the NPT has 191 state parties.

Nuclear arsenal reduction treaties have not been sufficient for disarmament thus far because _______.

  1. They have been exclusively bilateral between the United States and the USSR/Russia

  2. They have not passed appropriate review by the IAEA

  3. They require the states signing them to get approval from all other NPT parties

  4. They do not get rid of the weapons that really matter

Correct Option: A

Nuclear arsenal reduction treaties like the START I have not been sufficient for disarmament thus far because they have been exclusively bilateral between the United States and the USSR/Russia. Therefore, treaties like the NPT were required in order to include other nations in the aim for nuclear disarmament and world peace. 

How long did the NPT states parties decide to extend the NPT in 1995?

  1. The NPT was not extended.

  2. The NPT was extended for another 25 years.

  3. The NPT was extended indefinitely - there is no limit to its duration.

  4. The NPT was extended until the next Review Conference.

Correct Option: C

Twenty-five years after becoming signatories, NPT Parties met in May 1995 and decided that the NPT was to be extended indefinitely - there is no limit to its duration.

Which of the following is NOT an obligation of the NWS under the treaty?

  1. NWS may not transfer nuclear weapons to NNWS

  2. NWS may not assist or encourage any NNWS to acquire or manufacture nuclear weapons

  3. NWS must pursue negotiations on nuclear disarmament, and general and complete disarmament

  4. NWS must prevent NNWS from acquiring or building nuclear power reactors on their own territory.

Correct Option: D
The Non - Proliferation Treaty is a landmark international treaty with the objective of preventing the spread of Nuclear weapons, reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons and the peaceful use of nuclear technology. It was signed in 1968 and came into force on 1970. It recognizes Nuclear Weapons States and the Non-Nuclear Weapon States. It was initially made for 25 years but was extended to an indefinite period in 1995. The Nuclear Weapon States agree not to transfer nuclear weapon and not to assist, encourage, or induce a non-nuclear weapon state in acquiring a nuclear weapon.