Tag: selection and evolution

Questions Related to selection and evolution

The direct evidence of evolution are

  1. Pheomea

  2. Stegodon

  3. Moeritherium

  4. African elephant

Correct Option: C

Moeritherium is extinct mammals. They are one of the first group of mammals that were present in the prehistoric era. They are also said to be distant relatives of modern-day elephants. Some of their features show remarkable similarities to modern-day elephants. So, they are said to direct evidence of the evolution of modern elephants and animals, 

So, option C "Moeritherium".

The best explanation for origin of life comes from 

  1. Pangenesis

  2. Spontaneous generation

  3. Panspermia

  4. Chemical evolution theory

Correct Option: D

Appearance of ancestral characters in the new borne, such as tail, multiple mammae, etc., are known as

  1. Homologous

  2. Analogous

  3. Atavism

  4. Vestigial

Correct Option: C
  • In biology, an atavism is a modification of a biological structure whereby an ancestral trait reappears after having been lost through the evolutionary change in previous generations. For example, the Appearance of ancestral characters in the new borne, such as the tail, multiple mammae, etc in humans, Extra toes of the modern horse, Reappearance of prothoracic wings in insects, etc.
  • Hence Appearance of ancestral characters in the new borne, such as the tail, multiple mammae, etc., are known as an atavism.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Atavism'.

Reasons for origin of new species include

  1. Mutation

  2. Continental drift

  3. Natural calamities

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  • There are different reasons for the origin of s=new species from older ones. 
  • One of these reasons is the development of random and sudden mutations. Mutations are nothing but changes that occur in DNA sequences. Certain environmental factors cause mutations. Thus, change in DNA sequence leads to the generation of a species with some altered character.
  • Continental drift describes the relative change in geographical locations of the continents. This theory was first established by Abraham Ortelius saying that there must have been drift in the location of continents. This theory also explains the reason behind similar-looking animals on different continents.
  • Natural calamities like earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, etc cause large scale destruction of life and biodiversity. They also lead to the development of some characters in living organisms that are altered or modified forms of their original character. 
  • So, they too lead to change inn current species character and form new species.
  • So, all the given options are correct.

Which of the following could not be considered as an evidence of evolution?

  1. The structural homology between the forearms of bats and humans

  2. The DNA sequence of the cytochrome-$c$ gene for bats and birds

  3. The dorsal nerve cord of crayfish and birds

  4. Fossils of dinosaurs

  5. A wasp embedded in amber

Correct Option: C

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
In the case of the English peppered moth, which of the following occurred ?

  1. Bird predation was probably an important factor in natural selection

  2. Soot incorporated into the moths resulted in industrial melanism

  3. Dark moths were unknown before pollution

  4. Natural selection produced new genes adapted to the darkened landscape

Correct Option: A

In Industrial melanism, refers to the evolution of dark body colors in animal species that live in habitats blackened by industrial soot. The phenomenon has been documented in numerous species that hide from predators by blending in with their backgrounds. Birds play an important factor in natural selection.

So correct answer is A, Bird predation was probably an important factor in natural selection.

The endosymbiont theory explains all of the following except

  1. The similar size that mitochondria and chloroplasts share

  2. The presence of ribosomes in mitochondria

  3. The presence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

  4. The presence of a membrane composed of a lipid bilayer in chloroplasts

  5. The presence of membrane proteins on prokaryote cell membrane

Correct Option: E
Endosymbiotic theory is a evolutionary theory which explains how eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic organisms.
Evidences of endosymbiotic theory are:
1. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are double membrane bound cell organelles. The inner membrane probably evolved from the plasma membrane of engulfed bacterium and outer membrane from the plasma membrane or endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell.
2. Almost similar size of mitochondria and chloroplast and bacteria and their ribosomes.
3. Cristae of mitochondria resemble the folded membranes is groups of bacteria.
4. Mitochondrion and chloroplast both have circular DNA similar to those of bacterial DNA.
Hence, endosymbiotic theory doesn't explain the presence of membrane proteins on prokaryote cell membrane.
So, the correct answer is 'The presence of membrane proteins on prokaryote cell membrane'.

The study of homologous structures in mature organisms provides evidence for the evolutionary relationships among certain groups of organisms. Which field of study includes this evidence of evolution?

  1. Comparative cytology

  2. Biochemistry

  3. Geology

  4. Comparative anatomy

Correct Option: D

Comparative cytology is the field of study involving looking at similarities in different organism's cells. 

Biochemistry compares DNA and proteins made from DNA. 
Geology is the study of the Earth. 
Comparative anatomy is the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species. It is closely related to evolutionary biology and phylogeny (the evolution of species). The study of homologous structures in mature organisms provides evidence for the evolutionary relationships among certain groups of organisms, which comes under comparative anatomy. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Organic evolution is the process by which complex organisms gave rise to simple inorganic materials in course of time

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Organic evolution is the process by which changes in the genetic composition of populations of organisms occur in response to environmental changes.

So, the given statement is false

What's the difference between genetic drift and change due to natural selection?

  1. Genetic drift does not require the presence of variation.

  2. Genetic drift does not involve competition between members of a species.

  3. Genetic drift never occurs in nature, natural selection does.

  4. There is no difference.

Correct Option: B