Tag: waste generation

Questions Related to waste generation

The e-wastes:

  1. Represents municipal solids

  2. Is produced in developing countries and exported to developed countries

  3. Are burried in land fills or incinerated

  4. Does not involve recycling

Correct Option: A

Incineration of Municipal waste involves

  1. Oxidation

  2. Deduction

  3. Redox action

  4. Disintegration

Correct Option: A

Organic pollutants are discharged as a municipal sewage and

  1. Industrial effluents

  2. Mining Pollution

  3. Natural pollution

  4. Artificial Pollution

Correct Option: A

Solid waste increases with an increase in

  1. Road Construction

  2. Educational Institutions

  3. Urbanization

  4. Farms

Correct Option: C

General source of municipal waste are residential, commercial and

  1. Manure

  2. Kitchen Waste

  3. Open area waste

  4. Farms

Correct Option: C

Finely divided solid, remaining either with in solution or in suspension is known as

  1. Settaleable Solids

  2. Dissolved Solids

  3. Suspended solids

  4. Colloidal Solids

Correct Option: D

Quantity of solid waste produced, depends on living standard of

  1. Housing

  2. Consumption

  3. Populations

  4. All of above

Correct Option: C

Which is third fundamental function of solid waste management?

  1. Disposal

  2. Collection

  3. Processing

  4. Compositing

Correct Option: A

Radioactive substances can cause

  1. Cancer

  2. Malaria

  3. Dysentry

  4. Common cold

Correct Option: A

Malaria is caused by a parasite called plasmodium vivax through the agent anopheles mosquito. 

Dysentry is caused by the bacteria shigella and campylobacter which leads to severe diarrhea.
Common cold is a respiratory disorder mainly caused due to viruses. It is also called as acute coryza. It is mainly caused by coronaviruses and rhinoviruses.
Cancer is the disease of abnormal, uncontrollable cell growth leading to the formation of tumors. This disease can by genetical or can be caused by mutagenic agents (physical/chemical), radiations, over exposure to sunlight.

Which of the following falls under the category of e-waste?

  1. Mobile phone

  2. Oil tanks

  3. Chemical equipment

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
A Electronic waste (e-waste) deals with the disposal of broken  or damaged electronic parts and materials. Mobile phone, laptops, LEDs are examples of  electronic devices that are categorised as e-waste
So, the correct answer is 'Mobile phone'