Tag: air as a natural resource

Questions Related to air as a natural resource

Which process takes place inside the living system only?

  1. Burning

  2. Respiration

  3. Heating

  4. None of above

Correct Option: B

Respiration is a process that utilizes oxygen to breakdown glucose and release energy in the form of heat and ATP. It is a slow process that occurs inside living system only. However, burning is a fast process that occurs outside a living system.

Respiration occurs at _____________ temperature and burning occurs at __________ temperature. 

  1. high, high

  2. high, low

  3. low, high

  4. low, low

Correct Option: C

Respiration occurs at low(body) temperature and burning occurs at high temperature. 

Oxidation of carbon and hydrogen present in carbon compounds and not food materials is an example of :

  1. respiration

  2. burning

  3. physical change

  4. chemical change

Correct Option: B,D

Oxidation of carbon and hydrogen present in carbon compounds and not food materials is an example of burning. 

Air surrounds earth as thick blanket called as __________.

  1. Ozone

  2. Layer

  3. Atmosphere

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Air surrounds earth as thick blanket called as atmosphere.

Air is a mixture of ___________.

  1. Compounds

  2. Elements

  3. Colorless gases

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Air is mixture of colorless gases.

Why is respiration considered an exothermic reaction ? Explain.

  1. reduction of glucose takes place

  2. produces large amount of heat energy.

  3. oxidation of glucose takes place

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B,C

Energy is required to support life. Energy in our body is obtained from the food we eat. During digestion, large molecules of food are broken down into simpler substances such as glucose. Glucose combines with oxygen in the cells and provides energy. The special name of this combustion reaction is respiration. Since energy is released in the whole process, it is an exothermic process.
$\underset{Glucose}{C _6H _{12}O _6(aq)} + \underset{Oxygen}{6O _2(g)} \rightarrow \underset{Carbon dioxide}{6CO _2(g)} + \underset{Water}{6H _2O(l)} + Energy$

Which of the following are the uses of air?

  1. Generating electricity

  2. Disposal of seeds

  3. Flying of birds

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D
Air is a mixture of different types of gases, dust particles, water vapours, etc.
The important components of air are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, etc,

Air is a very important component of the earth because of the following reasons:

  1. The windmill is designed to harness electricity from the wind, so it can be used for the generated electricity.
  2. Air helps in the process of pollination or seeds disposal.
  3. It helps the birds to fly.

Hence, the correct option is $\text{D}$

During respiration, glucose and oxygen enter our body cells and waste products carbon dioxide and water leave the body cells by the process of:

  1. evaporation

  2. osmosis

  3. diffusion

  4. plasmolysis

Correct Option: C

Breathing involves the exchange of gases in the lungs, a process which occurs by diffusion. The oxygen is then transported throughout the body. Carbon dioxide is the waste gas produced by respiration.

Thus, option C is correct.

Which one of the following is not a function of air?

  1. Combustion

  2. To fill the balloons and air strip

  3. Respiration

  4. Pollination of plants

Correct Option: B
Air is a mixture of different types of gases, dust particles, water vapours, etc.
The important components of air are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, etc,
Air is a very important component of the earth because of the following reasons
  1. It provides us fresh oxygen for respiration process
  2. It supports the water cycle
  3. It facilitates pollination in plants
  4. Conduct sound and help in the transmission
  5. It helps in the combustion process.

Which one is NOT applicable for combustion and respiration processes?

  1. Both are chemical processes

  2. Energy change take place in both

  3. Oxygen gas is consumed

  4. Both processes are fast

Correct Option: D

Cellular respiration resembles ordinary combustion or burning, in the break down of chemical bonds, use of oxygen, production of carbon dioxide and release of energy, but there are fundamental differences between the two processes.

Combustion releases a large amount of energy in a single step and most of it changes in to heat and some at times in to light and raising the temperature greatly. Cellular respiration releases energy in steps and each energy releasing step is coupled with the synthesis of ATP. Only a small amount of energy dissipates as heat. Respiration may be called as slow burning.