Tag: composition of matter

Questions Related to composition of matter

Graphite is the only non-metal which is good conductor of electricity.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
Graphite is composed of carbon atoms which are situated in layers. Because of that electron are free to move and conduct the electricity. Although it is a non-metal, good conductor of electricity. 

Non-metals are present in which state?

  1. Solid

  2. Liquid

  3. Gaseous

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Answer: all of the above 

Most of metal exist in two out of three states of matter at room temperature
Eg: gases- oxygen,  solid-carbon

Only bromine exist in liquid state at room temperature.

Which of the following is/ are property of non-metals?
(a) Non-metals are malleable.
(b) Non-metals are non ductile.
(c) Non-metals are brittle.

  1. a, b

  2. b, c

  3. a, c

  4. a, b, c

Correct Option: B

Non-metals are non-malleable, non-ductile when they are beaten with hammer or stretched they break into pieces, so they are brittle.

 Which of the following non-metal is lustrous?

  1. Diamond

  2. Iodine

  3. Both $A$ and $B$

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Diamond and iodine both are non metal and lustrous.

Which of the following is the largest in size?

  1. $Br$

  2. $I$

  3. $I^-$

  4. $I^+$

Correct Option: C

Answer : $I^{\ominus}$

(1) We know that from top to bottom atomic size is increases. So $I$ its having higher atomic size then $Br$.
(2) In $I, I^{\ominus}$ and $I^{\oplus}$
$I^{\ominus}$ have the largest atomic size because $I^{\ominus}$ has one extra electron in its valence shell which lead to increase in atomic size.
$\therefore I^{\ominus} > I > I^{\oplus} > Br$.

Which among the following non-metal is liquid at room temperature?

  1. Chlorine

  2. Bromine

  3. Mercury

  4. Phosphorous

Correct Option: B

Mercury and bromine both are present in liquid state at room temperature but mercury is metal and bromine is non-metal.

So, liquid non-metal at room temperature is bromine.

Non-metals are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity. They are non-lustrous, non-sonorous, non-malleable and are coloured. The non-metal which is known to form the largest number of compounds is:
  1. carbon

  2. sulphur

  3. nitrogen

  4. chlorine

Correct Option: A
Carbon is a non-metal and is  known to form the largest number of compounds due to two reasons:

  1. Catenation - The ability of carbon to form bonds with the atoms of itself resulting in the large chains and rings of carbon. It causes large no. of chain and ring compounds.
  2. Tetravalency - Due to tetravalency, carbon can form bonds with other tetravalent elements and monovalent elements like hydrogen, chlorine, bromine etc.

Hence, option A is correct.

Suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which very fine particles of a solid are dispersed in any medium (liquid or gas). Fine particles of the solid remain suspended in the medium.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which very fine particles of a solid are dispersed in any medium (liquid or gas). Fine particles of the solid remain suspended in the medium.

Following are the characteristics properties of suspensions

i) Heterogeneous nature: a suspension is a heterogeneous system.

ii) Visibility: the particles in a suspension can be seen with naked eyes or under a simple microscope.

iii) Particle Size: in a suspension, the size of the particles is of the order of 10-7 make or larger.

iv) Sedimentation: the particles in a suspension travel tendency to settle down. Very fine particles, however, remain suspended in the medium.

v) Separation by filtration: Larger particles in a suspension can be separated from the liquid or air by the filtration. 

Suspensions have solute particles with size less than 1 nm.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

True solutions have solute particles with size less than 1 nm whereas suspensions have size more than 100 nm.
Colloids have size between 1 to 100 nm.

Suspensions are different from colloid because :

  1. the particles of suspension settle

  2. the particles of suspension do not settle

  3. solvent and solute of suspension are homogenously moxed

  4. both a and c

Correct Option: A

Unlike colloids, suspensions will eventually settle. The suspended particles are visible under a microscope and will settle over time if left undisturbed. This distinguishes a suspension from a colloid, in which the suspended particles are smaller and do not settle. Colloids and suspensions are different from solutions, in which the solvent and solute are homogeneously mixed.