Tag: the flower

Questions Related to the flower

Edible part of apple is?

  1. Bract

  2. Thalamus

  3. Cotyledon

  4. Endosperm

Correct Option: A

A flower devoid of sepals and petals/perianth is called

  1. Sessile

  2. Asymmetrical

  3. Achlamydeous

  4. Imperfect

Correct Option: C

Achlamydeous flowers are those flowers that lack floral envelope. these flowers are also referred to as naked flowers.

So the correct answer is 'Achlamydeous'.

Male gametes are present in

  1. Anther

  2. Style

  3. Stigma

  4. Filament

Correct Option: A

The whorl of the flower are differentiated into two categories essential and non-essential whorl and are consists of 

  1. Stamens or androecium are the male reproductive part and are divided into filament (long slender stalk) and anther (the terminal bilobed structure that produces male gametes).
  2. Carpels or gynoecium are the female reproductive part and produce ovum and is divided into three parts stigma (where pollen grains land), style(that leads pollen tube to the ovary) and ovary that produce ovum(female gamete).
So, the correct answer is 'Anther'

Which of these is a bisexual flower?

  1. Petunia

  2. Corn

  3. Papaya

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

A bisexual flower is a flower that contains all the four whorls such as petals, sepals, the male reproductive structure (stamen) and female reproductive structure (pistil/ carpel). Hence it is also called as a complete or perfect flower. Petunia is a bisexual flower. Thus the correct answer is option A.

Free lateral stipulate occur in

  1. Mango or Mangifera

  2. Maize or Zea

  3. Rice or Oryza

  4. China Rose or Hibiscus

Correct Option: D

A small leaf-like appendage on each side at the base of the petiole in dicotyledons is called as a stipule. The arrangement and structure of the stipules are called as the stipulation. When the pair of stipules is arranged freely on either side of the petiole or leaf base, it is called as free lateral stipules. For example, Hibiscus and Gossypium
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Stigma is sticky

  1. To produce scents to attract birds and insects

  2. To hold pollen grain strongly

  3. There is no known function

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Stigma is the part of the female reproductive part in flower where the pollen grain lands after pollination. It is the one who decides the compatibility of pollen with the plant and it is sticky so that is able to hold the pollen strongly.

So the correct option is "To hold the pollen grain strongly"

A flower which contains both stamen and pistil is called as

  1. Bisexual flower

  2. Unisexual flower

  3. Unique flower

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The flower is a reproductive organ of an angiosperm plant. The typical flowers consist of sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. A flower having both stamens as well as carpels or pistils is known as a bisexual flower. Flowers that are either staminate (means having stamens) or pistillate (having pistils only) are known as unisexual flowers. Thus the answer is bisexual flowers.

The correct option is A.

Night blooming flowers are generally.

  1. Light weight

  2. Scented

  3. Brightly coloured

  4. Bloom in clusters

Correct Option: B

Lodicules are

  1. Bracts

  2. Bracteoles

  3. Perianth

  4. Petals

Correct Option: C

The perianth is the outermost whorl of a flower which consists of sepals and petals but they are not differentiated. The perianth is represented by membranous scales known as lodicules. The lodicules are situated above and opposite to the superior palea. The number or lodicules maybe 2 or 3 or many or they may be absent. 

So, the correct answer is 'Perianth'.

What do the male and female gametophytes of flowering plants produce?

  1. Megaspores; Eggs

  2. Eggs; Sperm

  3. Sperm; Microspores

  4. Sperm; Eggs

Correct Option: D

  • Pollen grains represent the highly reduced haploid male gametophyte generation in flowering plants, consisting of just two or three cells when released from the anthers. Their role is to deliver twin sperm cells to the embryo sac to undergo fusion with the egg and central cell.
  •  The female gametophyte of flowering plants, which produces the two female gametes – the egg cell and central cell – for double-fertilization by the two sperm cells of the male gametophyte

So, the correct answer is 'Sperm;Eggs'.