Tag: photosynthesis in higher plants

Questions Related to photosynthesis in higher plants

Which ion is accumulated in the guard cells before opening of stomata?

  1. $PO _4$

  2. $K^+$

  3. $Mg^{++}$

  4. $Na^+$

Correct Option: B

According to the most widely accepted theory of stomatal opening and closing, potassium ions are involved in turgor movement of guard cells. Inflow of potassium ions decreases water potential in guard cells, which leads to inflow of water. Consequently guard cells swell and stomatal pore opens. When potassium ions move out, these events are reversed and stomatal pore closes.

Guard cells control

  1. Intensity of light entering

  2. Photosynthesis

  3. Closing and opening of stomata

  4. Change in green colour

Correct Option: C

Transpiration is the process of loss of water, in vapour form, through stomata. The process depends on the turgidity of guard cell. An increase in turgidity of guard cells opens stomatal pore, whereas a decrease in turgidity of guard cells closes stomatal pore. The change in turgidity of guard cells is brought about by reversible influx and efflux of potassium ions.

Conversion of starch to organic acid is essential for

  1. Stomatal closure

  2. Stomatal opening

  3. Stomatal initiation

  4. Stomatal growth

Correct Option: B

Starch is osmotically inactive and does not contribute to decrease in water potential. Conversion of starch to organic acids like malic acid promotes uptake of ions like potassium. This decreases water potential and helps in uptake of water. Thus making guard cells turgid and opening of stomata.

Stomata in angiosperms open and close due to

  1. Their genetic constitution

  2. Effect of hormones

  3. Change of turgor pressure in guards cells

  4. Pressure of gases inside the leaves

Correct Option: C

Changes in turgidity of guard cells, regulate the opening and closing of stomata. When guard cells are turgid, stomatal pore opens and when guard cells are flaccid stomatal pore closes.

The metal ion involved in the stomatal regulation is or Stomata will open, if there is accumulation of the following elements in the guards cells

  1. Iron

  2. Magnesium

  3. Zinc

  4. Potassium

Correct Option: D

Potassium ions movement into and out of guard cells is related to the turgidity and consequent opening and closing of stomatal pore.

Stomata open because of

  1. Oxygen in the air

  2. Increased turgidity of the guard cells brought about by exposure to light

  3. Vacuoles in guard cells

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Guard cells have chloroplast, on exposure to light, there is synthesis of sugar in guard cells. The increase in sugar concentration causes water to move in from surrounding cells, thus making guard cells turgid. Increase in turgidity of guard cells leads to stomatal opening.

Which of the following plants is able to show rolling of leaf during mid of the day?

  1. Nerium

  2. Melia

  3. Ammophila

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Amophila are xerophytic grasses, which show rolling of leaf as a xerophytic adaptation to conserve water. Nerium leaves show multilayered epidermis, thick layer of cuticle and sunken stomata, but do not show rolling of leaves. Melia is not a xerophyte.

The starch - sugar interconversion theory was given by

  1. Steward

  2. Scarth

  3. Levitt

  4. Raschke

Correct Option: A

Element involved in stomatal regulation, its opening and closing is 

  1. Zinc

  2. Magnesium

  3. Potassium

  4. Iron

Correct Option: C

Stomata open and closes due to water and ion movement. When the light falls on the parts of the plant, chloroplast carries out photosynthesis. ATP from photosynthesis powers sodium and potassium pump. Then the K$^+$ ions are pumped (influx of K$^+$) into the guard cells, by creating a concentration gradient and also water enter into the guard cell through osmosis. As a result of this, guard cells swells and stomata open. The reverse process occurs in the closing of stomata, i.e, loss of K$^+$ ions (efflux of K$^+$) by guard cells and water also leave the guard cells by the process osmosis. As a result, guard cells become flaccid and stomata close. 

So, the correct answer is option C.

Who proposed that opening and closing of stomata is connected with the change in pH of guard cells?

  1. Lloyd

  2. Von Mohl

  3. Sayre

  4. Levitt

Correct Option: C

Botanist Sayre observed that stomatal opening is connected to change in ph of guard cells due to carbon dioxide. 

Stomata open in neutral and alkaline pH which is present in the daytime when carbon dioxide is constantly used.
In acidic condition, stomata remain closed which is present in night time when no photosynthesis occurs due to which accumulation of carbon dioxide occurs that results in the formation of carbonic acid. Thus guard cells movement is regulated by pH due to interconversion of starch and sugar.
So the correct answer is 'Sayre'.