Tag: alcohols, phenols and ethers

Questions Related to alcohols, phenols and ethers

The densities of ethers increase gradually with ______.

  1. decrease in the molecular mass

  2. both A and C

  3. increase in the molecular mass

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

The densities of ethers increase with increase in the molecular masses of ethers.

The isomerism in ether is called as ________.

  1. regio isomerism

  2. metamerism

  3. functional isomerism

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

Ethers show metamerism. When the two compounds have same ratios of atoms but different arrangements, then they are said to show metamerism. e.g. Methyl propyl ether and diethyl ether have same ratios of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms but different structural arrangements. Hence they are metamers of each other.

Ethers show dipolar nature due to the presence of ______.

  1. central C atom

  2. central O atom

  3. central N atom

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

Ethers have general structural formula R-O-R'. Hence all of them have the C-O bond. We know that the C-O bond is polar due to the difference between the electronegativities of carbon and oxygen. Hence, ethers show dipolar nature.

Which of the following is the functional group of an ether?

  1. $R - OH$

  2. $R - O - R$

  3. $R-CO-R'$

  4. $R-COOH$

  5. $RCHO$

Correct Option: B

The correct option is B. $R-O-R$ is generally the functional group of the ether which is non-polar and does not form hydrogen bonding. 

Alcohols and ethers are functional isomers and belong to:

  1. same homologous series

  2. same functional group

  3. different homologous series

  4. both B and C

Correct Option: C
Alcohols and ethers are functional isomers because they have some molecular formula but different structure but they belong to different homologous series. 
$R-CH _2-CH _2-OH$         $R-CH _2O-CH _3$
     alcohol                                              ether

Ethers are functional isomers of ______ .

  1. ketones

  2. alcohols

  3. aldehydes

  4. amines

Correct Option: B

Ethers and alcohols are the functional isomers of each other. They have same molecular formula but different functional groups.

Benzyl alcohol is isomeric with:

  1. methoxy methane

  2. anisole

  3. phenetole

  4. benzyl methyl ether

Correct Option: B

Ethers having same molecular formula but different alkyl groups on either side of the oxygen atoms show:

  1. optical activity

  2. functional isomerism

  3. chain isomerism

  4. metamerism

Correct Option: D

Ethers having same molecular formula but different alkyl groups on either side of the oxygen atoms show metamerism. Ethoxy ethane and methoxypropane, phenetole and benzyl methyl ether show metamerism.

Which of the following are metamerism?

  1. Ethoxy ethane and methoxypropane

  2. Phenetole and benzyl methyl ether

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of above

Correct Option: C

 Ethers having same molecular formula but different alkyl groups on either side of the oxygen atoms show metamerism. Ethoxy ethane and methoxypropane, phenetole and benzyl methyl ether show metamerism.

Ethers containing two or more carbon atoms show ______ with alcohols.

  1. enantiomerism

  2. chain isomerism

  3. metamerism

  4. functional isomerism

Correct Option: D

Ethers containing two or more carbon atoms show functional isomerism with alcohols. Methoxy methane and ethanol are functional isomers.