Tag: interference

Questions Related to interference

Interference occurs in which of the following waves?

  1. Transverse

  2. Electromagnetic

  3. Longitudinal

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Since, interference occurs both in sound and light waves so it will occur in all the forms of waves given.

The sources which can give sustained interference are:

  1. two independent laser sources

  2. two independent light bulbs

  3. two light sources of very large width

  4. two sources far away from one other

Correct Option: A

Laser sources produce light waves which are coherent. As sustained interference takes place between waves, which are coherent, we can use two independent laser sources for the same.

In a Laser beam the photons emitted are :

  1. incoherent

  2. coherent

  3. of same velocity

  4. of same wavelength

Correct Option: B

LASER refers to light amplification based on the stimulated emission of Radiation. It emits light coherently. Thus the photons emitted in a laser beam are coherent.

Two waves having the same wavelength and amplitude but having a constant phase difference with time are known as :

  1. identical waves

  2. incoherent waves

  3. coherent waves

  4. collateral waves

Correct Option: C

When the light waves are emitted from a single source and they have a constant phase difference between them then the waves are said to be coherent.
Option C is correct .

Light waves spreading from two sources produce steady interference only if they have:

  1. congruence

  2. coherence

  3. same intensity

  4. same amplitude

Correct Option: B

Interference refers to the interaction of waves that are correlated of coherent with each other. Sustained interference takes place between waves which are coherent.

Interference of light from two sources can be observed if 

  1. The sources are independent.

  2. The sources are of different frequencies and random phases.

  3. The sources are of different frequency.

  4. The sources are coherent.

Correct Option: D

Interference of light from two sources can be observed if the sources are coherent . It means that the phase difference between two sources must be constant with time . Two independent sources can't produce an interference pattern .

Laser light is considered to be coherent because it consists of

  1. Many wavelengths

  2. Uncoordinated wavelengths

  3. Cooridnated waves of exactly the same wavelength

  4. Divergent beams

Correct Option: C

Laser light is considered to be coherent because it consist of waves of exactly the same wavelength in phase.

For the sustained interference of light, the necessary condition is that the two sources should:

  1. Have constant phase difference

  2. Be narrow

  3. Be close to each other

  4. Of same amplitude

Correct Option: A

To obtain a well defined interference patterns, the intensity at points corresponding to destructive interference must be zero, while intensity at the point corresponding to constructive interference must be maximum. To accomplish this the necessary condition is that the two interference sources must be coherent, that is, they must keep a constant phase difference.

Two light sources are coherent when:

  1. Only their frequency are equal

  2. their wavelength are equal

  3. Their amplitudes are equal

  4. Time frequency are equal and their phase

Correct Option: B

Interference pattern can be produced by two identical sources. Here the identical sources mean that

  1. their size is same

  2. their wavelength is same

  3. the intensity of light emitted by them is same

  4. the emplitudes of light waves emitted by them are same

Correct Option: B

For observing interference the term identical source means that their wavelength are the same ( i.e., they are coherent).