Tag: impersonal pronouns

Questions Related to impersonal pronouns

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

Please open the window. I can't reach ______.

  1. him

  2. her

  3. them

  4. it

Correct Option: D

Since the reference is to an inanimate object, the window, third person neuter singular pronoun "it" must be used.  Hence, Option D is correct. The rest of the options do not adhere to this rule, hence incorrect. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

My father listened to the news. He was very pleased with _____.

  1. they

  2. them

  3. it

  4. its

Correct Option: C

If the pronoun is receiving the action, it is called a direct object. Object pronouns are always used when the antecedent is a direct object. Here, the action of listening is directed towards the news. The object pronoun for third person neuter singular is "it". Hence, Option C is correct. The rest of the options do not adhere to this rule, hence incorrect. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

The kitchen looks beautiful. Have you cleaned ___________, Mary?

  1. its

  2. it's

  3. it

  4. them

Correct Option: C

If the pronoun is receiving the action, it is called a direct object. Object pronouns are always used when the antecedent is a direct object. Here, the action of cleaning is received by the window. The object pronoun for third person singular neuter is "it". Hence, Option C is correct. The rest of the options do not adhere to this rule, hence incorrect.