Tag: pronoun

Questions Related to pronoun

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
A: ___________ does Natalie's nephew do?
B: He's an architect.

  1. How

  2. Why

  3. When

  4. What

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.
WHAT is used to ask about some thing or activity. In the given sentence, the speaker wants to know about Natalie's nephew's activity.
Hence, WHAT is the appropriate word that can is to be used.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
Option A: HOW is used to determine the manner of something.
Option B: WHY is used to determine the reason of something.
Option C: WHEN is used to determine time period.
Hence, Option D is the correct answer.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
A : _______ are you going to eat?
B : Pizza.
A : _______ 're you going to eat?
B : In the cafeteria.

  1. Where / What

  2. What / Where

  3. What / When

  4. Who / Whom

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B.

WHAT is sued to ask for information.
In the given sentence A is asking B about what he is going to eat.
WHERE is used to ask about a place. In the given sentence, A is asking the place where B will eat pizza.
Thus WHAT/WHERE is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
Option A: WHERE and WHAT are given in the reverse order.
Option C: WHEN is used to ask about time.
Option D: WHO/WHOM is used to ask about a person.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
A : _______ is Jim going to get married?
B : Next month.
A : _______ is he going to marry?
B : His colleague.

  1. What time / Who

  2. Who / Where

  3. When / Whom

  4. Where / When

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

WHEN is used to ask about time.  A is asking the time about Jim's marriage.
In the next question A is asking about the person JIm is marrying.
Thus WHOM is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
Option A: WHAT TIME is used to ask exact time.
Option B: WHO is used to ask about a person. The first question is on the time of marriage. WHERE is used to ask about place.
Option D: From the answer we can know that the question is on the time of marriage and WHERE is used to ask about place. WHEN is used to ask about place and the second question is on the person Jim is to marry.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
"______ did the first man walk on the moon?"
"In 1969."

  1. When

  2. Where

  3. Who

  4. What

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is Option A.

WHEN is used to ask time of an event.
In the given question the speaker is asking about the time when the first man walked on the moon.
We know this from the answer i.e. 1969 (this tells us the year of the event).
Thus WHEN is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
WHERE is used to ask about a place.
WHO is used to ask about person.
WHAT is used to ask about a thing or to ask about information.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
"_______ did you pay?"
"1000 Dollars."

  1. How many

  2. How

  3. How much

  4. Which one

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

HOW MUCH is used to ask about the amount of money paid. In the given sentence the speaker is asking about the money paid.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
Option A: HOW MANY is used to ask when the exact amount of what is asked about can be determined.
Option B: HOW is used to ask manner.
Option C: WHICH ONE is used when we have to determine from a definite set.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
"________ did you go?"
"By car."

  1. When

  2. Why

  3. How much

  4. How

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

HOW is used to ask manner or means.
The speaker is asking the means of travel. We know this from the answer, 'BY CAR'.
Thus Option D- HOW is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
WHEN is used to ask about time.
WHY is used to ask reason.
HOW MUCH is used to ask about quantity.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
_______ did you go with?

  1. Which one

  2. Why

  3. When

  4. Who

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

WHO is used to ask about a person. The speaker is asking about the person he went with.
Thus WHO is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
WHICH ONE is used to ask about choice.
WHY is used to ask reason.
WHEN is used to ask time.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
"_____ did you buy your new jacket?"
"At the supermarket."

  1. What

  2. Where

  3. When

  4. How

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B.

WHERE is used to ask about place.
In the given question, the speaker is asking about the place the new jacket was bought.
Thus WHERE is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
WHAT is used to ask about information.
WHEN is used to ask about time.
HOW is used to ask manner.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
"________ did you go?"
"This morning."

  1. Why

  2. What

  3. When

  4. How

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

WHEN is used to ask about the time period of an event.
The speaker here is asking about the time the person spoken to went.
The answer is, "This morning", which refers to a time.
Thus WHEN is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
WHY is used to ask reason.
WHAT is used to ask for information or about something.
HOW is used to ask manner.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
"________ do you want to go?"
"To Paris."

  1. Why

  2. Where

  3. How

  4. What

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B.

WHERE is used to ask about a place.
From the answer, 'TO PARIS', we know that the question is about a place. Thus WHERE is the correct answer.
The remaining options are incorrect because:
WHY is used to ask reason.
HOW is used to ask manner.
WHAT is used to ask about some thing or for some information.