Tag: evs

Questions Related to evs

Choose the correct option. The total water

  1. In the lakes and rivers of the world remains constant.

  2. Under the ground remains constant.

  3. In the seas and oceans of the world remains constant.

  4. Of the world remains constant.

Correct Option: D
  • The total water of the world remains constant because the water travels through a cycle and the net amount never changes. For example, The water which evaporates from various water bodies like lakes, rivers, ponds, etc form clouds and then they rain down filling up the same water bodies. They also go underground but in the end, they end up in a water body thus completing the water cycle.
  • Hence  The total water of the world remains constant.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Of the world remains constant'.

Which one of the following is not responsible for water shortage ?

  1. Rapid growth of industries.

  2. Increasing population

  3. Heavy rainfall

  4. Mismanagement of water resources

Correct Option: C
  • Water is one of the most valuable resources on Earth. Rainwater fills reservoirs that supply drinking water, provide a habitat for fish to live, and nourishes the soil with water necessary for vegetation.
  • Hence Heavy rainfall is not responsible for water shortage.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Heavy rainfall'.

Life is sustainable with water only because 

  1. It makes 90% of the protoplasm

  2. Translocation of nutrients inside the body occurs wiith the help of water

  3. Water loss in form of sweating helps to maintain body temperature

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Protoplasm is the material comprising the living contents of a cell. It consists of 70- 90% water along with the minerals, sugars, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, etc. The translocation of nutrients inside the body occurs viz. blood which also major consists of water. In an environment with excessive heat, water loss in the form of sweating keeps the body cool. Thus, water maintains body temperature. 

So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.

Which one of the following fish is being illegally introduced for aquaculture purposes and is posing a threat to the indigenous catfishes of Indian rivers?

  1. Clarias gariepinus

  2. Nile perch

  3. Climbing perch

  4. Protopterus

Correct Option: A

Clarias gariepinus, the African catfish has been illegally introduced for aquaculture purposes and is posing a threat to the indigenous catfishes of Indian rivers.

Primary source of water is

  1. Rivers

  2. Ground water

  3. Lakes

  4. Rainwater

Correct Option: D

The primary source of water on the surface of the earth is rain. Rain is mainly formed due to the precipitation of vapours accumulated due to evaporation. Some part of the rainwater is available as ground water which can be used in case of adversity.

So, the correct answer is option D.

All of the following are the properties of water except ____________.

  1. Hydrophilic properties

  2. Hydrophobic properties

  3. Very good solvent

  4. Density as a solid is less than that as a liquid

  5. Strong surface tension

Correct Option: B

Which of the following plays a very important role in causing rainfall?

  1. Factories

  2. Vehicles

  3. Plants

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Transpiration is the process in which plants lose water as water vapor during photosynthesis. This water is added to the moisture in air saturating it and hence generating rainfall. Thus the correct answer is option C.

The largest part of hydrosphere is 

  1. Pacific ocean

  2. Atlantic ocean

  3. Indian ocean

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Which of the following are included in hydrosphere?

  1. Liquid and frozen surface waters

  2. Groundwater held in soil and rock

  3. Atmospheric water vapor

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The hydrosphere is the total amount of water present on the planet which includes the surface water, underground water and in the air (Atmosphere) as water vapor. Hydrosphere can be liquid, ice or vapor. 

So the correct option is 'all of the above'.

The part of earth comprising water is called an

  1. atmosphere

  2. hydrosphere

  3. lithosphere

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
A. The atmosphere is the layer of gases which surround the earth.
B. Hydrosphere is the amount of water present on earth.
C. The lithosphere is the outer and rigid part of the earth that consists of crust and mantle.
So, the correct answer is 'Hydrosphere'.