Tag: measures of dispersion and skewness

Questions Related to measures of dispersion and skewness

In a frequency distribution, Range is the difference between _________ and __________

  1. upper limit of the highest class, the lower limit of the lowest class

  2. lower limit of the highest class, the upper limit of the lowest class

  3. A or B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The middle value of an ordered series is called _______.

  1. $2nd$ quartile

  2. $5th$ decile

  3. $50th$ percentile

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

The variate values which divide a series (frequency distribution) into $100$ equal parts are called ______.

  1. quintiles

  2. quartiles

  3. deciles

  4. percentiles

Correct Option: D

Which measure is based on only the central fifty percent of the observations?

  1. Standard deviation

  2. Quartile deviation

  3. Mean deviation

  4. All of above

Correct Option: B

The variate values which divide a series (frequency distribution) into four equal parts are called ______.

  1. quintiles

  2. quartiels

  3. octiles

  4. percentiles

Correct Option: B

Can a quartile, a decile and a percentile be the median?

  1. Only quartile but not decile and percentile

  2. Quartile and decile but not percentile

  3. Decile and percentile but not quartile

  4. Quartile, decile and percentile, all the three

Correct Option: D

The variate values which divide a series (frequency distribution) into ten equal parts are called _______.

  1. quintiles

  2. quartiles

  3. deciles

  4. percentiles

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is true?

  1. Quartile Deviation can generally be calculated for open-ended distributions

  2. It is unduly affected by extreme values

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Inter-Quartile Range is based upon ________.

  1. First 50% of the values

  2. middle 50% of the values

  3. Last 50 % of the values

  4. 25% of the values

Correct Option: B