Tag: germination

Questions Related to germination

Germination is hypogeal in

  1. Cotton

  2. Pea

  3. Castor

  4. Bean

Correct Option: B

Epigeal germination: In this type of germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil. Bean, cotton, papaya, gourd, castor and onion have germination of this kind.

Hypogeal germination: In this type of germination, the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below the soil. Pea, mango, maize, rice, gram and groundnut have germination of this kind. So, the correct answer is 'Pea'.

Vivipary is characteristic of

  1. Mesophytes

  2. Xerophytes

  3. Hygrophytes

  4. Halophytes

Correct Option: D
Vivipary plants grow in high saline area.
A. Mesophytes- A plant need a moderate amount of water.
B. Xerophytes- A plant need a little liquid water(In dessert or in ice).
C. Hygrophytes- A plant grow in wet conditions.
D. Halophytes- A plant of high salt tolerent grows in water of high salinity.
So, the correct answer is 'Halophytes'.

Germination is epigeal in

  1. Zea mays

  2. Helianthus

  3. Mangifera

  4. Pisum

Correct Option: B

Epigeal germination: In this type of germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil. Bean, cotton, papaya, gourd, castor and onion have germination of this kind.

Hypogeal germination: In this type of germination, the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below the soil. Pea, mango, maize, rice, gram and groundnut have germination of this kind.

A. Zea mays (Maize) - hypogeal germination.

B. Helianthus (Sunflower) - epigeal germination.

C. Mangifera (Mango)- hypogeal germination.

D. Pisum (Pea)- hypogeal germination.

So, the correct answer is 'Helianthus'.

An albuminous seed showing hypogeal germination is

  1. Castor

  2. Bean

  3. Gram

  4. Maize

Correct Option: D

Epigeal germination: In this type of germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil. Bean, cotton, papaya, gourd, castor and onion have germination of this kind.

Hypogeal germination: In this type of germination, the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below the soil. Pea, mango, maize, rice, gram and groundnut have germination of this kind.

A. Castor- Albuminous seed shows epigeal germination.
B. Bean- Exalbuminous seed shows epigeal germination.
C. Gram- Exalbuminous seed shows hypogeal germination.
D. Maize- Albuminous seed shows hypogeal germination.
So, the correct answer is 'Maize'.

Epigeal germination occurs in

  1. Pea

  2. Gram

  3. Castor

  4. Maize

Correct Option: C

Epigeal germination: In this type of germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil. Bean, cotton, papaya, gourd, castor and onion have germination of this kind.

Hypogeal Germination: In this type of germination, the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below the soil. Pea, mango, maize, rice, gram and groundnut have germination of this kind. So, the correct answer is 'Castor'.

In some halophytes, seeds germinate within fruits while attached to parent plant. The phenomenon is

  1. Vivipary

  2. Monocrapic

  3. Vernalisation

  4. Seismonasty

  5. Both A and B

Correct Option: A

A. Vivipary :  In plants, vivipary (precocious or premature germination) involves the germination of seeds while still on the parent plant. It is a widespread phenomenon in plants characterized by the lack of seed dormancy. 

C. Monocarpic- flowering only once.

D. Vernalisation- The cooling of seed during germination in order to accelerate flowering when it is planted.

E. Seismonasty is the nastic response of a plant or fungus to touch or vibration.

So, the correct answer is 'Vivipary'.

Fruit of peanut is

  1. Pod

  2. Achene

  3. Caryopsis

  4. Drupe

Correct Option: A

A. Pods develop underground, an unusual feature known as geocarpy. After fertilization, a short stalk at the base of the ovary (termed a pedicel) elongates to form a thread-like structure known as a "peg". This peg grows down into the soil, and the tip, which contains the ovary, develops into a mature peanut pod.

B. Achene- A small, indehiscent, one seeded fruit developing from a monocarpellary ovary and in which pericarp is hard, leathary and remains free from seed coat. E.g. Mirabilis.

C. Caryopsis- A small, indehiscent, one seeded fruit developing from a monocarpellary ovary and in which pericarp is fused with the seed coat. E.g. Wheat.

D. Drupe- A small, indehiscent, one seeded fruit developing from a monocarpellary ovary and in which pericarp is differentiated into outer,thin epicarp, middle fleshy and fibrous mesocarp and inner hard and stony endocarp. E.g. Mango. So, the correct answer is 'Pod'.

Terminator gene

  1. Helps in terminating flowering

  2. Helps in terminating seed germination

  3. Used in hybridisation

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: B

In hypogeal germination, plumule comes out of ground due to elongation of

  1. Hypocotyl

  2. Epicotyl

  3. Cotyledons

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: B

In this type of germination, the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below the soil. Pea, mango, maize, rice, gram and groundnut have germination of this kind. So, the correct answer is 'Epicotyl'.

Which of the following comes first out of the soil in the bean seed?

  1. Hypocotyl

  2. Radicle

  3. Leaf foliage

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
The hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil. Bean, cotton, papaya, gourd, castor and onion have germination of this kind.
So the correct option is 'Hypocotyl'.