databases Online Quiz - 50
Description: databases Online Quiz - 50 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
To produce a meaningful result set without any cartesian products, what is the minimum number of conditions that should appear in the WHERE clause of a four-table join?
. Visual Studio 2010 supports the development of applications using the following frameworks (Select All that apply):
Which is not a collection type in VB.NET?
Which class is optimized for key-based item retrieval for both small and large collections:
You have a Dataset object names dsOrg that includes a table named Users. The Users table includes a column names IsEmployee. How to bind this IsEmployee column to the Checked property of a check box named chkIsEmployee
. User Authentication most suitable in IntrAnet scenario
What tool should you recommend for a junior DBA to use to create a simple backup strategy for a SQL Server database?
You have a 1TB SalesDB database running on SQL Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. You have noticed that the nightly DBCC CHECKDB ('SalesDB') job is starting to take too long, and you want to reduce the amount of time that the check will take. What command should you schedule to run nightly instead?
You want to create a replication strategy that will allow users in four branch offices to have a fresh copy of data from the database in the central office every day at 5 a.m. for their daily reports. Although there are many changes to the data during the course of a day, the entire publication is not that large. Which replication strategy should you use in SQL Server?
You write a SQL Server stored procedure that will return data for a report. The accuracy of the data is not so important; however, you want to avoid dirty reads. Which isolation level should you avoid?
You want to identify the top 10 queries in SQL Server that have been recompiled the most times on your server. What can you do?
Select the WCF Binding suitable for Ajax Clients
What is serialization of a object?
Which of the following statement about CICS is not true?
Which of the following tables contains a list of all valid transaction identifiers and their associated Programs for CICS?
Relationship between WCF LOB Adapter SDK & WCF Channel Model:
Which of the following table contains information about DB2?
Which of the following statement about BMS is not true?
Which command can be used to disable all the roles including the default roles?
Which of the following views provides all the grants on all the objects in the database?