Prog. in C++
Which of the following data types is a collection of different data types referenced under one name?
Which of the following is also called 'manipulator' in C++?
Which of the following is the exit controlled statement in C++?
Which of the following stream classes supports output functions: put() and write()?
Which of the following container classes allows the random access iteration permitting direct access to any element?
Which of the following members of a class can neither be inherited in public mode nor in private mode?
Which of the following methods is used to achieve run-time polymorphism in C++?
Which of the following functions of vector class gives current capacity of the vector?
Which of the following operators in C++ cannot be overloaded?
Which of the following functions is used to perform operator overloading in C++?
Which of the following properties of C++ bounds functions to the code to be executed at compile time?
Which of the following methods is used to give a new name to an existing data type in C++?
Which of the following translates the software requirements into specifications for objects, and derives class hierarchies from which the objects can be created?
Which of the following menus in visual C++ compiles the source code in the active window and builds an executable file?
Which of the following storage class specifiers informs the compiler that the variable so declared is defined in another source file?
Which of the following properties of C++ refers to putting together essential features without including background details?
Which of the following functions is used in C++ for the automatic initialization of class objects?
Which of the following operators has the highest precedence among other operators supported by C++?
Which of the following mathematical functions returns tangent of the arguement in radians?
Which of the following forms of inheritance occurs when the properties of one class are inherited by more than one class, forming a hierarchy of class?
We can create infinite loop in C++ by omitting the ______________ expression.
Which of the following error handling functions returns true when an input or output operation has failed?
Which of the following library functions is used in C++ to break out of the program, abandoning the rest of the execution of the program?
Which of the following header files provides a set of manipulator functions to manipulate output formats?
Which of the following 'ios format functions' specifies format flags that can control the form of output display?