databases Online Quiz - 35
Description: databases Online Quiz - 35 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
What is a candidate key?
Can I call a trigger directly called from an application?
A view is nothing but a ________ table or a stored query
How can we get the number of records or rows in a table?
An outer join requires each record in the two joined tables to have a matching record.
How do I find out all databases starting with ‘test to which I have access to?
Can I define multiple unique constraints on a table?
When do we use a HAVING clause?
USE keyword is used to select a ___________ .
Enum values are stored accodring to their index numbers?
The execution plan of the SQL statement is stored in
What is TRUE about driving table?
Why one should NOT use expressions on the columns in the predicate?
What will be the output of- "Select 1 from dual UNION Select 'A' from dual"
A table has the following data: [[5, Null, 10]].What will the average function return ?
If all the values from a cursor have been fetched and another fetch is issued,what the output will be?
How many rows will the following SQL return : "Select * from emp Where rownum = 10" ?
When a user creates an object without a TABLESPACE clause, where will Oracle store the segment?
Which of the following SQL functions can operate on any datatype?
Assuming today is Monday, 10 July 2000, what is returned by this statement: SELECT to_char(NEXT_DAY(sysdate, 'MONDAY'), 'DD-MON-RR') FROM dual?