databases Online Quiz - 28

Description: databases Online Quiz - 28
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: databases
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Can we disable BB user from domino domain?

  1. Yes from BBprofile.nsf

  2. Yes from state database

  3. No

  4. YES from domino directory

Correct Option: A

How many cluster can be setup for BES ?

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. One domino and One SQL

  4. none

Correct Option: A

BB was developed in the year

  1. 1989

  2. 1990

  3. 1999

  4. 2009

Correct Option: C

What is PIM?

  1. Protocol Independent Multicast

  2. Personal Information Management

  3. Personal Information Manager

  4. Protocol Information Manager

Correct Option: C

What Technology BB server works on?

  1. PULL

  2. PUSH

  3. RIM


Correct Option: B

What is the PORT for Blackberry Enterprise server?

  1. 3001

  2. 3011

  3. 3101

  4. 31010

Correct Option: C

Where is the configuration DB created ?

  1. MS SQL

  2. Oracle

  3. SAP

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

BB handheld has a unique Number as BB Pin, how can I check for this PIN?

  1. Handheld

  2. BBprofile.nsf

  3. BB manager

  4. none

Correct Option: B

How often does BES polls mail server?

  1. 10secs

  2. 20secs

  3. 30secs

  4. 60secs

Correct Option: B

After how many days does BES receives expired ACK from BB relay?

  1. 2 Days

  2. 4 Days

  3. 5 Days

  4. 7 Days

Correct Option: D

SRP is

  1. Server Remote Protocol

  2. System Routing Protocol

  3. Server Routing Protocol

  4. Systematic Routing Protocol

Correct Option: C

Which is following is NOT a feature of BES?

  1. E-mail redirection

  2. OTAC Support

  3. Blackberry Dispatcher

  4. Data Security

Correct Option: C

BB Services should be enabled by

  1. BES

  2. Service provider

  3. RIM

  4. BB Manager

Correct Option: B

What is the name of the database which is a critical operation to BES?

  1. BBSD.nsf

  2. Bbprofile.nsf

  3. BSSD.nsf

  4. BBSM.nsf

Correct Option: A

Which of the following attachments are NOT supported by BES?

  1. .doc

  2. .xls

  3. .rtf

  4. .jpg

Correct Option: C

BES Server runs on

  1. Unix platform

  2. Solaris platform

  3. Linux platform

  4. Windows platform

Correct Option: D

BlackBerry State Database is programmatically deleted after

  1. 48 hours

  2. 1 day

  3. 24 hours

  4. 4 hours

Correct Option: C

How many BB services exists?

  1. 10

  2. 5

  3. 7

  4. 9

Correct Option: D

What is the default encryption method used to BB encryption?

  1. 3DES

  2. AED

  3. 4DES

  4. 3AED

Correct Option: A

Deletion of data from handheld can ONLY be done from BB manager on BES?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B
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