databases Online Quiz - 10
Description: databases Online Quiz - 10 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
What is true about MERGE command? Choose all that apply.
Select TYPES of JOINS. Choose all that apply.
Choose the MANDATORY clauses of SELECT SQL statement
Identify the correct output
select INITCAP('ORACLE BASICS') from dual;
Identify the correct output ---
select CONCAT('ORACLE' || 'BASICS') from dual;
Identify the correct output --- select SUBSTR('ORACLE BASICS',-6,5) from dual;
Identify the correct output --- select TRUNC(TO_DATE('01-SEP-1995', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),'YEAR') from dual;
Identify the correct output --- select LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('01-SEP-1995', 'DD-MON-YYYY')) from dual;
WHERE clause is used to restrict groups
One can NOT delete a row from the VIEW if view definition contains ... Choose all that apply
Identify the MANDATORY sections of a PL/SQL block
%ROWTYPE attribute is used to declare a variable and associate it's data type with the TABLE/CURSOR object.
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE commands when used in a PL/SQL block, should contain INTO clause to hold the data returned by SQL statement
IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF construct is used for conditional control in a PL/SQL block. What happens if the condition in IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF block evaluates to NULL?
Identify the ITERATIVE control constructs in PL/SQL. Choose all that apply