databases Online Quiz - 9

Description: databases Online Quiz - 9
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: databases
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Which ITERATIVE control construct in PL/SQL is also called as INFINITE LOOP?

  1. Cursor For Loop

  2. Numeric For Loop

  3. While Loop

  4. Simple Loop

Correct Option: D

Implicit cursors, process ... Choose all that apply

  1. All INSERT statements

  2. All DELETE statements

  3. All UPDATE statements

  4. Single row SELECT statements

  5. Multiple row SELECT statements

  6. Zero row SELECT statements

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

Index of numeric for loop always increments by one

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

When dealing with Cursor For Loops, which steps are taken care of implicitly? Choose all that apply


  2. OPEN

  3. FETCH

  4. CLOSE


Correct Option: B,C,D

Identify the CURSOR attribute that returns the number of rows fetched so far by the cursor?

  1. %FOUND



  4. %ISOPEN

Correct Option: C

Identify the CURSOR attribute that evaluates to FALSE if cursor returns at least 1 row?

  1. %FOUND



  4. %ISOPEN

Correct Option: B

Identify the CURSOR attribute that evaluates to TRUE if cursor is OPEN?

  1. %FOUND



  4. %ISOPEN

Correct Option: D

Which from the following is not an ERP package?

  1. SAP

  2. Peoplesoft

  3. Oracle 11g

  4. JD Edwards

Correct Option: C
  1. Drupal

  2. Joomla

  3. PHP

  4. Wordpress

Correct Option: A,B,D

which of the following is the default format for date display


  2. DD-Mon-RR

  3. DD-Mon-YY

  4. DD-MON-RR

Correct Option: D

what will be the output of: select rpad('*$*',3,'*') from dual;

  1. $***

  2. $

  3. ***$

Correct Option: B

what is the output: select substr('Oracle Basics',-5,3) from dual

  1. 'asi'

  2. 'isa'

  3. 'le '

  4. 'acl'

Correct Option: A

what is the output: select mod(1600,300) from dual;

  1. 300

  2. 100

  3. 500

  4. 000

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is not a grouping function?

  1. avg

  2. count

  3. abs

  4. min

Correct Option: C

Which of the folowing is not a oracle function?

  1. round

  2. trunc

  3. maximum

  4. initcap

Correct Option: C

Which method returns the number of rows in a set.

  1. sum

  2. num_rows

  3. count

  4. total

Correct Option: C

Which operator is equivalent to concat function?

  1. &

  2. ||

  3. &&

Correct Option: C

OTHERS is super set of all predefined internal exceptions

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
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